[Ansteorra-announce] King's College Instructors - 2nd call

Namron_seneschal namron_seneschal at ansteorra.org
Wed May 15 16:37:03 PDT 2002


Again I plead for your time, your energy, and your knowledge...we need
teachers! We have some 96 1-hour time slots available...and you can get more
than one. Also, a great grass field for fighter instruction.

Kings College will be held in the Barony of Namron (at the University of
Oklahoma) on June 22. We will be taking over the Oklahoma Memorial Union
(free covered parking next door), which is an easy walk to many shops and

If you are interested, please drop me a line ASAP...and please pass this
information to the electronically-challenged around you.

If you're interested, I need the following information:
	1) SCA Name (with title)
	2) Mundane Name
	3) Phone number
	4) E-mail
	5) Home Group
	6) Class Title
	7) Class Description (4 lines or less)
	8) Class size (limit)
	9) Class length (hours)
	10) Time of day preference (morning or afternoon)
	11) Are there materials fees for your class? Yes/No
	12) If so, how much?
	13) Can supplies be brought? Yes/No
	12) Do you need any special equipment for your presentation?
	13) How far would you be willing to travel to teach?  (hr or mi)
	14) What other topics are you interested in teaching?

I anticipate an automated form on the web site sometime this weekend. As I
receive information from instructors, I will post a list (instructor and
class) to the Namron website...and a schedule closer to the event. Also, a
map with restaurants and hotels will be posted as well.

Please join us.


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