[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] International NMS

Meg Baron Meg.Baron at experian.com
Thu Oct 31 13:05:16 PST 2002

Unto the esteemed members of the Society, greetings:

Much misinformation has been circulating about the Non-Member Surcharge as
it applies outside of the United States. I hope I can clear up some
misconceptions and set the record straight.

As everyone is aware, the Non-Member Surcharge, which will go into effect on
January 1, 2003, is $3.00 US. However, everyone is also aware that the value
of the US dollar fluctuates in relation to other currencies. Clearly this
poses a problem for event autocrats and attendees as well as exchequers.
Therefore, International non-member surcharge rates have been established.
We recognize that the exchange rates will fluctuate, and shall accept the
consequences of that fluctuation.

The International Non-Member rates are:

In Europe: 3 Euros
In Canada: CND $4

For rates in other countries, please consult with the Treasurer of the SCA
Inc., Tom Bilodeau (Master Tirloch of Tallaght).

At its October meeting, the Board was presented with and accepted the
following default implementation recommendation from the SCA Treasurer and
the Society Seneschal:

-	Each Kingdom will collect the NMS and forward monies in US funds to
the Corporate office on a quarterly basis.
-	The Kingdom Seneschal and Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer will
be responsible for ensuring compliance.
-	Implementation alternatives may be presented to, and approved by,
the Society Seneschal and Treasurer of the SCA, Inc. Final approval of
alternatives will be reviewed by the Board.

What does this mean for international branches? First, the local groups will
forward the non-member surcharges collected to the Kingdom Exchequer, who
will collect the funds and forward them to the US on a quarterly basis. Only
then do the funds need to be converted to US Dollars. The conversion fee may
be taken out of the money to be sent to the SCA Corporate office, so neither
the Kingdom nor any local group needs to absorb the cost of currency
conversion. The Kingdom may work out internally how the funds shall be
transferred from the local group to the Kingdom treasury. Should the Kingdom
feel another arrangement, such as a different collection period other than
quarterly, is more appropriate, they may work with the Society Seneschal and
the Treasurer of the SCA to work out a more agreeable arrangement.

I hope this information is helpful in understanding the implementation of
the Non-Member Surcharge.

Sincere regards,

Meg Baron
President, SCA Inc.
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036

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