[Ansteorra-announce] Lughnasad A&S Competition

Kathy Varner dkv250 at msn.com
Fri Jul 4 10:24:40 PDT 2003

Greetings unto the Artisans of Ansteorra,

The Canton of Loch Ruadh’s annual Lughnasad Celebration (Aug. 8th-10th 2003) 
is fast approaching and our Arts and Sciences Competition has need of your 
displays of craft and skill.

The Competition’s theme this year will be the “First Fruits of the Harvest” 
and consist of the following categories:
Adult, Youth, and Beverage (both leaded and non-alcoholic)

“First Fruits” are defined as any fruit, vegetable, nut, gourd, or grain, 
which comes to full ripeness in the late summer or early fall. Entries 
depicting this theme will be given favorable consideration.
Note: This year’s competition will not include an extensive array of 
prepared foods as entries due to the location chosen for the displays, the 
heat, and lack of electricity in proximity to the display area. All edible 
entries should be those which do not require either refrigeration, or 

Judging will be conducted using a combination of Judges and Populace 
favorites as follows:
Adult:  1 Judges favorite and 1 Populace favorite
Youth: 1 Populace favorite
Beverage: 1 Judges favorite

Votes will be cast using an assortment of Baubles, Buttons, and Beads, which 
will be awarded to the entrants at the conclusion of the Competition, with 
suitable prizes being awarded to the four first place entrants as listed

In Service to the Dream,
Caitrin ferch Rhys
A&S Coordinator, Lughnasad A.S. xxxviii

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