[Ansteorra-announce] Stefan's files for March

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Sun Mar 2 17:19:52 PST 2003

Greetings to folks across the Known World,

Here is a copy of my Florilegium article for March detailing what is new in
the Florilegium this month.

If you are a newsletter editor and would like to get this article a month in
advance so that you have time to meet your various deadlines, please contact
me. If you are an web minister, I also have a version of this article written
especially for web publication.

If you are on a kingdom or other mailing list, and do not get this monthly
article there and think it would be welcomed there, also please contact me. I
may simply need you to forward the article to that list each month.

I will be at Gulf Wars this next week. If you are there and would like to come
by and chat, please do. I will be camping with my barony between Queens
Highway and Ricardo di Pisa Ln. My banner should be out and my device can be
found on my webpage. Or catch me when I am teaching my hands-on pewter casting
class on Wednesday or Friday.

A Blending of the Past and Present

Over the past thirteen years in an ongoing effort, I have been collecting
bits of useful information from various newsgroups, mail lists and
articles submitted to me by their authors. In order to make this
information available to others, I have placed this information in
a series of files I call Stefan's Florilegium.

The Florilegium is on the web at: http://www.florilegium.org

A copy of my complete filelist is available in most sections of the
website. This filelist or any of my files is also available from me
by email in either Word or text formats.

If you find a bad link or other problem with the Florilegium website,
please let me know. Once I know about a problem I can usually fix it
that day but if no one alerts me to a problem it may be months before
I notice it myself.

I am always interested in new articles. If you have written an article
that would be of interest to others in the SCA, please send it to me
for possible inclusion in the Florilegium. Contact me for more details.

     THLord Stefan li Rous   (512)892-0036    stefan at florilegium.org
     Ansteorra                             mark.s.harris at motorola.com

The new files for this month are:
    lea-bottles-bib   Leather bottle bibliography
                         by Master Magnus Malleus, OL.
    Kindergarb-art    Thoughts on making children's clothing
                         by Lady Hrosvitha von Celle.
    high-finance-art  "A Boke on the Financing of Warre, of
                         Courtes and the Other Divers Expenditures
                         of Princes" by Lord Anton de Stoc.
under FEASTS:
    table-manners-msg  Period table manners.
    F-Hldry-Trnmt-art  "Field Herald's Litany for Tournaments"
                          by H.L. Alden Pharamond.
under NORSE:
    Vikg-n-Irelnd-art  "Vikings in Ireland" by Mistress Gunnora
                          Hallakarva. Notes for a future article.
    anise-msg          Period use of the spice anise.
    spice-storage-msg  Period and modern spice storage.
    Demos-as-Evts-art  "Demos as Events" by Lady Meliora Leuedai de
under SCA-INC:
    KHTI-art           "The Land Fund" by Sabrina de la Bere. An
                          overview of the West Kingdom Land Fund.

updated files:
    brd-mk-sour-msg    Breadmaking -Period sourdough bread recipes.
    alchemy-msg        Alchemy philosophy, medieval chemistry.
    biscotti-msg       Period biscotti, a twice-baked travel bread.
    dayboards-msg      SCA dayboards, middle-of-the-day meals.
    endoring-msg       Medieval methods of giving food a gold color
    eyeglasses-msg     Period eyewear. Making replicas.
    fd-Anglo-Saxn-msg  Food of Anglo-Saxon England. References.
    peas-msg           Period peas. Pea broth. Recipes.
    rec-in-verse-msg   Period recipes written in a verse format.
    roast-meats-msg    Hints and period recipes for beef roasts.
    Russia-msg         Russian and Kievian Culture and language.
    sausages-msg       Period sausages. Making sausage.
    spices-msg         Info. on spices, sources for spices.
    travel-msg         How much, fast did the medieval person
    underwear-msg      What to wear under garb. SCA and period.
Copyright 2003, Mark S. Harris.
Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if
the contents are left unchanged and the author is notified of the
publication. Notification may be by email and reformatting is allowed.

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris            Austin, Texas         StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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