[Ansteorra-announce] Volunteer Hours at Gulf Wars means Money to your Branch!

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 2 20:28:50 PST 2003

The war is soon upon us, so begin considering now how you are able to best
serve Ansteorra in the war effort at Gulf Wars as a volunteer.

There are four ways to WIN by being a VOLUNTEER!
1.  For each two(2) hours worked, you get a raffle ticket for the Volunteer
Prize Raffle, held on Saturday night at Bede Hall after Grand Court!
2.  Your designated branch or kingdom fund will get a share of the event
profits based on the hours you work.
3.  YOU determine whether **ANSTEORRA** or (trimaris) wins the Volunteer War
Point, by which kingdom you choose with the second half of your raffle
ticket. (Tickets get dropped into a kingdom box, and counted for Saturday.)
4.  The SHEER PLEASURE of knowing you have CONTRIBUTED toward making this
war happen, for with you Volunteering, this event succeeds!!

A quick rundown of last years numbers:
Total Volunteer Hours: PROFIT SPLITS (40%) $12,017.82

Kingdom Totals
Meridies  3249 hours worked
Ansteorra 1965 hours worked
Trimaris  1807.5 hours worked
Middle    138.25 hours

But Wait! It looks like Ansteorra had more hours worked than Trimaris last
year, and yet, Trimaris won the Volunteer War Point!  That's right! -
Trimaris had more folks donating their raffle tickets to their final war
point tally.  Remember anyone from any kingdom who works volunteer hours
gets a raffle ticket with a signed work voucher, so they can choose
whichever kingdom they wish to donate a 'war point vote' toward.  So, let's
get those raffle tickets into the Ansteorran kingdom box.

Last year, the branch with the most volunteer hours and therefore the most
profit split was: Barony of Elfsea (487.75 hours) $ 801.30
Your branch can do this too if you work the hours (remember, late night
shifts count double!! as does 'privey paper-replacement' duty).

Check the statistics out for yourself at:

Start thinking about where you can volunteer this year!
See you at the War!   Hillary, Ansteorran Volunteers!

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