[Ansteorra-announce] Gulf Wars 2003

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 2 20:36:11 PST 2003

Greetings Ansteorran's,
I hope this missive finds you well, as preparations are made to travel to
this year’s Gulf Wars 2003.  One activity I always look forward to at War is
Volunteering!   Painting illuminated scrolls at Scribe’s Point, spending a
day on the field doing waterbearing, and working the Troll Gate in the late
hours at night.

Gulf Wars, an event with near 4000 attendees (and growing), could literally
not happen without Volunteers from ALL kingdoms that attend.  If we hired
staff to do the tasks required, no one could afford to pay the gate fee!!

Volunteering is a War Point!   Volunteering also gives you a chance to serve
Ansteorra, and keep Gulf War happening!   Volunteering is a great way to
make new friends, both in Ansteorra or throughout the Known World! (OK, off
the soapbox).  Seriously, Ansteorra Needs You to Volunteer!

How do you volunteer?  Stop by the Volunteer Point (V-Pt) to fill out a
master TALLY Sheet.  Every two hours volunteered, you will receive a
‘voucher’ (for hours worked, formerly called ‘chit’) signed by the
coordinator for the area you worked.  Drop signed vouchers off at the V-Pt.,
and receive a raffle ticket.  Place one half of the ticket in the box for
Ansteorran War Points, and keep the other half for the prize raffle on
Saturday night following Grand Court; for prizes donated from the merchants.

Volunteer opportunities are as follows:
* Heralds Point (consulting at Herald’s Pt., heralding list/battle fields,
and announcements at camps)
* Gate/Troll    (12 midnight to 7am counts double hours)
* Waterbearers  (armored, rapier, archery, coursing and equestrian fields)
* Chirurgeons   (12 midnight to 7am counts double hours)
* Marshals      (armored, rapier, equestrian, coursing, and archery)
* Security      (12 midnight to 7am counts double hours)
* Children and Teen Activities Coordinators and Teachers
* SetUp Crew/Land-o-crat Staff (must be pre-approved with Ansteorran Liason)
* Barn Crew     (cleans barn and livestock)
* Nastycrat     (supplie port-o-johns w/paper, counts double hrs always)
* Arts and Science Teachers
* Arts and Science Judges and Competition Coordinators
* Scribes Point Charter Painters for kingdom scrolls
* Information Point Staff
* Newcomer Point Staff
* Orchestra Pit Musicians and Dance Master for the Nightly Balls
(Other areas also count, if in doubt, check at V-Pt to see if your work
counts for points)

Ansteorra has a reputation around the SCA Knowne World for it’s selfless
service, warm friendship and great enthusiasm.  Let us continue that
tradition at Gulf Wars 2003 by Volunteering!  Vivat Ansteorra!
Mistress Hillary Greenslade, Ansteorran Volunteer Coordinator at Gulf Wars
hillaryrg at yahoo.com

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