[Ansteorra-announce] Volunteer Responsibilities at Gulf Wars - this is it!

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 3 17:12:07 PST 2003

Ok, this really is the last one, but it only covers the tip of the iceburg.
I did not get descriptions from Chirurgeons, Security, Gate/Troll, Heralds
Point, Information Point, Scribes Point, and more... so there is still lots
available to do, and lots of areas that need your volunteering help.
Gulf Wars still needs you!!
See you at the War!   Hillary, Ansteorran *STELLAR* Volunteers
Volunteers in the children's area (Pages' School) would help distribute
supplies and snacks, assist small hands with projects, and help us maintain
some semblance of order..  They should also be familiar with our rules, but
those will be posted at our sign in table.

Time slots we need help for:
Wednesday - 2 for morning session (9:00-12:00)
Thursday - 2 for morning (9:00-12:00), and 1 for afternoon (1:00-4:00)
Friday - 2 for morning (9:00-12:00), and 1 for afternoon (1:00-4:00)
Saturday - 2 for morning (9:00-12:00), and 1 for afternoon (1:00-4:00)

Yseult, Minister of Children, GW XII
minister.children at gulfwars.org
Land Volunteers, They will need some help in the land tent from 8 to 5
daily thru Thursday.  These days run in two shifts one from 8 to 1230 and
one from 1230 to 5.  Duties are to help the Land Desk staff direct folks to
their camps or show them on the map where the ‘Open’ camping is located.

Baras, Landcrat, GW XII
land at gulfwars.org
(Please Note, for Ansteorran Land issues, please contact the Ansteorran
liason ansteorra at gulfwars.org , or your Ansteorran Regional Land
Newcomers Point
Volunteers will answer questions about the site, the War, and the SCA. They
will also sell Known World Handbooks, and will assist the heralds at
Information Point.
Lijsbeth, Chatelaine-in-charge, GW XII
<chatelainesouth at aol.com >

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