[Ansteorra-announce] Champions of Bonwicke - April 23-25
HE Kainin Tepesa
kainin at copycraft.com
Tue Apr 13 06:58:20 PDT 2004
Unto all good gentles of the Kingdom of Ansteorra,
Greetings unto you from their Excellencies Kainin Tepesa and Oriana
Luisa della Francesca, Baron and Baroness of Bonwicke. We wish to
invite all to join us on the twenty-fourth day of April as we choose
our new champions in the fields of chivalric, rapier, archery and the
bardic arts. It will be a day that is sure to be filled with many
displays of both prowess and chivalry and will be concluded with a
grand feast and much revelry. It is our sincere hope that you will
travel to Bonwicke and share in our hospitality.
In service to Crown, Kingdom & Barony,
Kainin & Oriana
Lord and Lady Bonwicke
Titled Competitions
Chivalric Champion - Multiple weapon styles, letter of is intent requested.
Rapier Champion - Multiple weapon styles, letter of is intent requested.
Yeoman Champion - A clout shoot, so bring your combat arrows, letter
of intent is requested.
Champion Bard - Email kainin at copycraft.com for details.
Youth Champions - Children's boffer & rapier (dependent on interest)
- we have no loaner equipment.
Other Activities
Arts & Sciences Competition - No theme, documentation is suggested
but not required.
Young Artisans Competition - Youth 15 and under, documentation is not required.
Knife Axe & Spear Competition
Evening Feast - See website for menu.
T-Shirt Fundraiser - Tales of Sir Lancelittle T-shirts will be on
sale to raise money for Ansteorra's 25th Year Celebration.
Laurel's Tea - Refreshments for the Laurel's Circle.
Website - http://www.bonwicke.org/champions.htm
Event Steward
Lord Godfrey Gauche - harrold_l at yahoo.com
Feast Steward
Lady O'Blivion de Sire - grlgeorge1 at yahoo.com
Laurel's Tea Coordinator
Lady Serafina de Gratia - serafinadegratia at yahoo.com
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