[Ansteorra-announce] KC out of pocket

richard hall arkellvomcophus at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 14 06:30:23 PDT 2004

Unto the good Populace,
I will be out of pocket for about 10 days from 16 APR-26 APR. I will have voice mail (210-410-9141)or msg by calling my home phone & leaving it on that voice mail or with my lady who will forward it & some limited email avaliblity.
IF it is an emegency or something that needs handled fairly quickly please contact our KWB, who also happens to be my ER deputy. I will be forwarding the KC email to her for the 10 days I am out of pocket. Her contact info is
ER Deputy 
Ldy Genevieve del Gamba 
(Susan Delk) 
2017 S China 
Brady, Tx  76825 
(325) 792-1176 
                                            ladydds at centex.net                                                     Also any of our great regionals or kingdom deputies will be glad to assist you.

In Service always, to the 
Chirurgeonate, Kingdom, & the Dream,

Herr Arkell vom Cophus
Kingdom Chirurgeon 
Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th

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