[Ansteorra-announce] Can you teach?

Brian & Pam Martin twinoak at cox-internet.com
Tue Apr 20 20:55:55 PDT 2004

Greetings Ansteorra from Jehanne d'Avignon, Kingdom Minister of Arts &

I thought I'd send out a bit of information for those of you who may be new
to the SCA.  

King's College:  Saturday June 19th in Brad Leah   

For more information on Brad Leah's event go to

The following excerpts are from the Kingdom Arts & Sciences web page from
the handbook "Participating in the Arts in Ansteorra" which can be found at:

Colleges/Symposiums - Every June there is an event called King's College,
which is a

Kingdom-level event devoted entirely to classes for the SCA. Additionally,
alternating every

other year with Laurel's Prize Tourney there is a Kingdom-level event called
Fall Arts

Symposium (name to be changed), which is also a classroom event. By
attending these events you can learn a great

deal about the SCA, medieval topics and medieval arts.

King's College - This is a classroom event where you can learn just about
anything. There is

no limit to the type of classes that may be offered. Typically there are
"tracks" of class that run

throughout the day, such as a track of costuming classes, or a track of
calligraphy and

illumination classes. It is very common for this event to include SCA-101
classes that are

designed to help newcomers learn about the SCA, its awards, beginner
costuming, etc. It is a

great place to learn a lot about the middle ages, and the SCA, very quickly.

Venue: Typically indoors in a classroom setting, but occasionally outdoors
for the "messy arts"

(felting, dyeing, etc.)

Teachers: This event is open for submissions of class proposals (chosen by
the deputy in

charge and the Kingdom A&S officer) and is one of the proper venues
available for new

teachers (along with local colleges or classes). If you are interested in
teaching, contact the

King's College Deputy in March or April.

Handouts/Supplies: Typically most classes are free, but some do charge for
copies and


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