[Ansteorra-announce] Arts and Sciences Competition at AAA

Michelle Lindsey michellechantal at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 21 17:55:49 PDT 2004


My name is Baroness Michelle Chantal de Charente, and I am currently the
Royal Gifts Deputy, a deputy to the Kingdom Minister of Arts and
Sciences.  My job is to gather donations of items from our Kingdom's
groups and artisans that can be presented by our Crown as gifts or
prizes when the Crown meets other Kingdoms' royalty or sponsors

The autocrats of Ansteorra's Argent Anniversary are allowing me to host
an Arts and Sciences competition to be held on Saturday, July 10th, at
Ansteorra's Argent Anniversary.  Your entry into the competition is
meant to be your donation of an item worthy to be presented by our Crown
to the Royalty of another Kingdom or to the winner of a competition
sponsored by Ansteorra at an inter-kingdom event such as Gulf War or
Pennsic.  The competition will be run with a Steppes Artisan type
format, with the Ladies of the Rose serving as judges.  The Ladies of
the Rose will choose their favorite entries and gift their favorite
artisans with largesse and word-fame.  The overall winner of the
competition will receive a fabulous prize, which has been donated by all
of the Baronies in Ansteorra!!   I would like to thank the Baronies of
Ansteorra for their generous donation of a free site fee for the overall
winner of the competition at all Baronial events for a period of year
after the competition.

Please e-mail me directly with any questions you may have.

In service,

Baroness Michelle Chantal de Charente
Deputy Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences (Royal Gifts Deputy)

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