[Ansteorra-announce] AAA Fundraising Update

Snorri Hallsson snorri at houston.rr.com
Wed Apr 21 20:16:29 PDT 2004

Greetings Ansteorra:
Some information regarding the fundraising efforts for Ansteorra's Argent Anniversary:
1.    We have less than forty days from this writing to the end of our fundraising campaign for the fireworks display at AAA, Our goal is to raise $5,000 BY STEPPES WARLORD.  As of today, we have less than $2,000 in hand.
2.    Every local seneschal in Ansteorra has received a letter from me asking them to PASS THE HAT at either their April or May populace meeting.  Hopefully, many of you know of this request from your seneschal.  Please, please encourage your fellow Ansteorrans to contribute when the hat comes around.  With all of us working together, it will take a very, very small amount from each of us indeed.  Cash and checks, made out to "SCA, Inc. - Kingdom of Ansteorra" with "Argent Anniversary", will be accepted.  All
money raised by a branch must be sent to the AAA Exchequer, Mistress Kaitlyn McKenna, *prior to* Steppes Warlord.  For more information, including mailing address, please contact Mistress Kaitlyn at mistresskaitlyn at sbcglobal.net.  Funds must be in Mistress Kaitlyn's hands before they can be tallied toward our goal.
3.    At Steppes Warlord, we will have a KINGDOM-WIDE AUCTION on Sunday afternoon to further benefit our fundraising efforts.  Donations of goods and services, as well as cash and check, will be accepted at the auction tables in the main hall starting Saturday afternoon.  We will be enlisting the bards of the kingdom to help us auction off our donations - anything that's legal and in decent taste, period or mundane, will be accepted.  Look for updates on this exciting activity as Warlord draws nearer.
4.    The branch that has raised the most total money for the fireworks display by the end of the auction will earn for itself RESERVED, CHOICE CAMPING SPACE AT AAA.  For the purposes of this contest, any money raised at an event will be credited to the sponsoring group of that event, with the exception of the Auction at Warlord - all money raised through the auction will be creditable to the donor's choice of branch.  Private donations made at Warlord, outside of the Auction, will be credited to the Barony of the
Steppes, in accordance with the rules of the contest.  Private donations to be credited to a specific branch should be made prior to Steppes Warlord through your branch's seneschal and sent to Mistress Kaitlyn by your group's exchequer.
If you have any questions, please contact me off-list at snorri at houston.rr.com.

In joyful service to Ansteorra,
Lord Snorri Hallsson
Fundraising Coordinator, AAA

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