[Ansteorra-announce] A chance for Word Fame

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Sat Feb 7 08:53:15 PST 2004

Greetings unto the Kingdom and all her talented Artisans!

The horn is sounding! The ships are sailing! And you, as one of the primier
Artisans of the Knowne World and this Kingdom, are invited to a most
exciting opportunity to display your talent and work at North Sea Raids.
This event is to be held this next weekend in the Barony of Ravens Fort.

What to bring:

Bring everything! A single piece or body of work, it matters not! What
matters is the chance for undying word fame and the admiration of the
assembled populace.

What will happen:

This is a display, not a competition. Documentation is encouraged but only
for the education of the populace. Each artisan will be asked to fill out a
small card explaining a bit about how their work was made if they don't
bring something with them to show this.

In addition, each artisan will be given a small bit of largess in way of
thanks for displaying.

As for the populace, they are asked to encourage the displaying Artisans in
two ways. First, there will be parchment and quills provided for them to put
written commentary forward for the artisan to read. Also, there will be a
basket provided where the populace may leave largess for the artisans to
encourage them.

Who to see:

Look for me! Hl Annes Clotilde von Bamburg. I shall be under the tent for
the A&S display most of the morning.

Is there a deadline to enter?

Since this is a display and not a competition, a strict "deadline" time will
not be adhered to. The display will open at 11 a.m. and close at 4 p.m. An
artisan may bring their display to the tent at any time in order to place it
in the display.

Do I need to let you know I'm coming?

It would help me as coordinator if an artisan who is sure they will be
displaying could contact me privately at:
hlannes at ev1.net

In this way, I can be sure to have plenty of table space/tent space
available for those needing it. I appreciate your contacting me. Until then,
I remain....

In Service,
Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Ame

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