[Ansteorra-announce] AAA Fundraising Auction at Steppes Warlord

Snorri Hallsson snorri at houston.rr.com
Tue May 25 09:41:20 PDT 2004

Greetings Ansteorra!


Steppes Warlord will host an auction to raise funds for the fireworks at
Ansteorran Argent Anniversary, from 2-5 pm on Saturday.  (IF needed,
there'll be a second, silent auction on Sunday afternoon.)  All good gentles
are invited to participate!


PACKRATS of Ansteorra: Items will be accepted at the auction site (in the
hall) starting at 12:30 pm on Saturday.  At 2 pm, we will begin auctioning
the items one by one, in the order they come to the table.  No reasonable
item will be refused - so long as it is legal and within decency standards,
we'll take it, period or not!  At 5 pm, we'll stop the auction, but if there
are still items left to auction off, we'll have a silent auction Sunday


*** Remember, your donations will help your home group in the camping space
competition!!! ***


BARDS of Ansteorra:  I would ask your assistance in this endeavor as
auctioneers.  If someone were to bring, say, a copy of the Saturday Night
Fever soundtrack on vinyl, then it'll be up to us to make it interesting
from a "period" standpoint.  Come have fun selling things our personas would
never have seen in their lives!  I'll have refreshments and wordfame to all
who wish to help; please contact me privately at snorri at houston.rr.com if
you'd like to help out.  Remember, the auction will only last three hours
total, so the more voices we have selling items, the longer they'll all
last.  (The voices, not the items)


SERVANTS of Ansteorra:  I am looking for several volunteers to help me run
the auction.  People to take in items, people to help move items from
preview table to auction block to cashier's table, people to help cry the
camp promoting the auction.  Again, refreshments and wordfame are yours for
the taking.  If you have questions, you can contact me privately at
snorri at houston.rr.com too.


MERCHANTS of Ansteorra:  I challenge each of you who are attending Steppes
Warlord to donate one item from your stock to the auction efforts.  Wordfame
will be far and wide for those who contribute.  I'm still at
snorri at houston.rr.com if you have questions.


*** Your donations will also help your home group in the camping space
competition!!! ***


SHOPPERS of Ansteorra:  Hello ... AUCTION!  ('Nuff said there.)


EVERYONE:  Come and make this a fun and worthwhile time for all at Steppes



In joyful service to Ansteorra,

HL Snorri Hallsson

Fundraising Coordinator

Ansteorran Argent Anniversary



UPDATE:  We have a number of people that have stepped forward to assist with
running the auction, but few bards have volunteered their time to call the
auction itself - we need good, strong, creative voices to make this a
successful fundraiser.  If you wish to volunteer, please contact me at
snorri at houston.rr.com so that I can put you on the list.  Also, if you have
items that you wish to bring, please e-mail me so that I have an idea of how
many things we have for auction.

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