[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report of the October 2004 Meeting
Baron, Meg
Meg.Baron at experian.com
Wed Oct 27 08:42:50 PDT 2004
This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA, Inc.'s most recent Board of Directors meeting, held October 23, 2004, in Dallas, Texas (Kingdom of Ansteorra). This material may be freely distributed, and those receiving it are strongly encouraged to share this information with the general populace. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all, or part, of this report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is requested that the source of the information be identified as "from the President's Report of the October 2004 Board meeting" and that, as far as possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own.
Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at the meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA website (www.sca.org).
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on January 22, 2005, in Portland, Oregon. The deadline for submission of agenda items is January 1, 2005.
Respectfully submitted,
Meg Baron
President, SCA Inc.
Branch Status Changes
1. The Board took note of the following new branches:
Canton of Silverhart ( Kootenai, Shoshone, and Benewah Counties, ID)
Shire of Myrtleholt (Josephine Country, OR)
Canton of Nordholt (Linn County, OR)
Canton of Salesberie Glen (Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba and Iredell Counties, NC)
Canton of Bull Pytt (Grand Island, NE)
Shire of Avienture (Lubeck, Wismar, Kiel and Schleswig, Germany)
2. The Board took note of the following routine changes in status:
Shire of Hindscroft (Davidson, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham and Stokes Counties, NC) to Canton of the Barony of Sacred Stone
Canton of Cum an Iolair (Johnson County, KS) to Shire
Barony of Wurm Wald (Champaign, IL) to Shire
Principality of Northshield (WI, MN, ND, SD, Manitoba, West half of UP of MI, NW Ontario) to Kingdom
Old Business
A. Proposed revision to Corporate Policies I.B.2.
Commentary was requested from the membership on the following proposed change to the Corporate Policies of the SCA Inc.
Corporate Policies I.B.2 currently reads:
"International Membership conveys the privileges of Section I.B.1. This membership type is available only to mailing addresses outside the United States or Australia. This type of membership is considered a subscribing membership."
This is now incorrect, as International membership is now no longer available in Finland or New Zealand, in addition to Australia, as these countries have separate corporations and affiliations. More countries will probably incorporate separately in the future. Therefore, the following change was proposed:
"International Membership conveys the privileges of Section I.B.1. This membership type is available only in locations outside the United States which are part of the SCA, Inc., and not subject to an affiliate corporation. This type of membership is considered a subscribing membership."
The Board approved this change to Corporate Policies.
B. Proposed revision to Corpora IX.A.5.
The Board requested commentary from the membership concerning a proposed change to Corpora IX.A.5., which currently reads:
"No person who has not attained his or her sixteenth (16th) birthday may be authorized in armored combat or the marshaling of armored combat. No person who has not attained his or her fourteenth (14th) birthday may be authorized for any form of Society combat-related activity...."
The Society Seneschal recommended that this be addressed by changing the wording to read "...No person who has not attained his or her fourteenth (14th) birthday may be authorized for any form of Society Adult combat-related activity."
Adding the word "Adult" removes potential confusion with youth combat activities.
After discussion and by consensus, Chairman Moore ruled that this item be remanded to the January 2005 quarterly meeting.
C. Training travel budget for Chief Information Architect office transfer
The Board approved an increase of $500.00 in the 2004 budget to permit travel for training for the incoming Chief Information Architect.
New Business
A. Review of the Statement of Financial Position
The Board reviewed and accepted the Statement of Financial Position as presented by the SCA, Inc.'s accountants.
B. Proposal for change to By-Laws VI.E.2.
By-Laws VI.E.2. currently reads as follows:
"Directors' terms shall be staggered so that one term ends each six months. Under ordinary circumstances, Directors shall serve fourteen quarters, dating from the meeting at which they are elected. A Director's term begins immediately upon election and acceptance."
This does not reflect current practice. The following revision is proposed:
"Directors' terms shall be staggered so that one term ends each six months. Under ordinary circumstances, Directors shall serve fourteen quarters."
The Board ruled that this item be placed before the membership for comment. Commentary shall be due no later than February 1, 2005.
C. Gleann Abhann Kingdom advancement petition
The Board approved the petition of the Principality of Gleann Abhann to advance to Kingdom status, effective upon the successful completion of a Crown List and Coronation of the victors.
D. 2005 Budget
This was remanded to the January 2005 quarterly meeting.
E. New Zealand property transfer
The question of turning ownership of funds held by Society branches in New Zealand over to SCA-New Zealand, the SCA, Inc.'s affiliate Corporation in that country, was referred to legal counsel.
F. Warrant form revision
Proposed revisions of the SCA warrant forms were referred to the Deputy Society Seneschal for Risk Management for review.
G. Policy on coinage and currency
This item, which concerns using coins made by SCA artisans as cash tokens at events, was referred to the SCA Legal Committee.
Officers' Reports - action items and policy decisions (note: officers not mentioned here had no action items or policy decisions to present for Board review)
The President's term of office ends at the conclusion of the July 2005 Board meeting, and she requested that the Board begin the call for applications for this position now, in order to provide adequate time for selection and training. The Board ordered this done, with an application deadline of March 15, 2005.
Society Seneschal
The Society Seneschal was asked whether or not an autocrat was a de facto deputy to the branch seneschal, as they held sway over contracts and modern era affairs. His interpretation is that, as the branch seneschal is delegating authority reserved to his or her office (per the Kingdom Seneschal's Handbook) they (autocrats) are in fact deputies of that office. The Board upheld this policy interpretation.
The Society Seneschal interpreted Corporate Policies VIII, Policy on Alcohol, to imply the prohibition of using SCA resources, events and officers to facilitate the sale of Alcohol. Therefore, wineries may not advertise, sell, demonstrate or distribute their goods at SCA events and functions, nor promote the same through SCA official publications. The Board upheld this policy interpretation.
The Society Seneschal presented a proposed policy on Known World and Society Anniversary Events for the Board's approval. The Board asked the Society Seneschal to make revisions and to bring this item back to the Board at its next meeting.
The Society Seneschal presented a proposed Media Relations policy for the Board's approval. The Board returned this policy to the Society Seneschal for further work.
Society Exchequer
The Society Exchequer requested that the project of getting the Society Exchequer's Web page up and running be expedited. The Board directed the Chief Information Architect to do this.
The Society Exchequer presented a proposed Board Resolution policy for the Board's approval. The purpose of this policy is to facilitate doing business with banks under the USA Patriot Act. The Board referred this item to the SCA Legal Committee for review.
The Society Exchequer requested a change to the Board of Directors Policies ad Procedures Manual requiring Society Exchequer review of the financial portion of any application for Society office which has a separate bank account and office exchequer. The Board took no action on this item.
The Society Exchequer requested a ruling on what to do with records that are older than the seven-year retention period. The Board referred this question to the SCA Legal Committee.
A revised financial policy for the Kingdom of Meridies was approved.
Society Chronicler
The Society Chronicler requested assistance in locating a Copyright deputy. The question was referred to the SCA Legal Committee.
The Society Chronicler ruled that advertisements for the sale of alcoholic beverages were not permitted in SC publications. The Board upheld this policy interpretation.
The Society Chronicler ruled that copyright rules regarding obtaining permission to publish applied to publishing messages sent to electronic mailing lists in Society newsletters. The Board upheld this policy interpretation.
Laurel Sovereign of Arms
The Laurel Sovereign of Arms presented a change to the policies of her office regarding due dates for Letter of Intent packets. The Board returned this item to Laurel for comment from the College of Arms.
Society Marshal
The Society Marshal ruled that the Universal Shot Standard is now in force for acknowledgement of heavy combat missile blows. The Board upheld this policy.
The Society Marshal's ruled that the Caid Unarmored Combat program is a form of boffer, and therefore unregulated by his office. The Board upheld this ruling, and stated that this activity is not regulated at the Corporate level.
The Society Marshal ruled that the "Plate is Proof" standard for combat archery may be used as a scenario modifier only. The Board upheld this ruling.
The Society Marshal banned the use of bungee cords for crossbow power. The Board upheld this ruling.
The Society Marshal ruled that half-gauntlets shall be allowed as minimum hand armor for missile combat troops. The Board ruled that this matter falls within the authority of the Marshallate, and no Board action is required.
Society Chirurgeon General
The Chirurgeon General interpreted Section III.9, paragraph 2, of the Chirurgeon's handbook to include the Chirurgeon General in the definition of "a duly-delegated administrative superior in the Chirurgeonate (e.g., a Chirurgeon-in-Charge at an Interkingdom event)." The Board upheld this interpretation.
The Chirurgeon General presented the following proposed change to Section III.9, paragraph 2, of the Chirurgeon's handbook (added language in italics): "Any Chirurgeon who is available and willing to provide first aid at an event can not be prohibited from doing so by anyone other than the Chirurgeon General, the Kingdom Chirurgeon, or a duly-delegated administrative superior in the Chirurgeonate (e.g., a Chirurgeon-in-Charge at an Interkingdom event)." The Board returned this policy change for clarification.
Grand Council
The Council continues to work on revision of its charter.
Legal Committee
In the Third Quarter of 2004, the Legal Committee continued work on its compilation of a list of states that require the notarization of minor medical authorizations, as well as its work on the preparation of minor equestrian waiver forms. The Committee clarified that the equestrian waiver forms and signage guides submitted to the Board of Directors last Quarter applies only to adults, and are valid only in the United States. The Committee discussed liability and possible SCA policy issues regarding individual groups' practice of holding potlucks and feasts, and concluded that, due to the wide variance in local laws, the only feasible SCA policy regarding this issue is that the SCA may want to issue a statement to the effect that all groups must comply with their own state and local laws pertaining to food service.
Executive Session
Revocation and Denial of Membership - John Dyer
Chairman Moore ordered this item remanded to the January 2005 meeting.
Absolute Banishment/ Revocation and Denial of Membership - Wyman Taylor
Motion by Jason Williams to uphold the absolute banishment of Wyman Taylor (Wyman) imposed by Wernhaus and Lailianne, King and Queen of Meridies, on July 17, 2004. Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Jason Williams to revoke and deny the membership of Wyman Taylor (Wyman) of the Kingdom of Meridies, effective October 23, 2004 through December 31, 2005. Further, at the end of this period, any combat authorization must be performed under the direct supervision of the Earl Marshal of the kingdom in which he resides. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Absolute Banishment - Abrahm Polasky
Motion by Lis Schraer to uphold the absolute banishment of Abrahm Polasky (Ulfheddin Thrainsson) imposed by Cuan and Paidraigin, King and Queen of Atlantia, on July 17, 2004, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Seconded by Dena Cady. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Absolute Banishment - Anthony Tamboury
Motion by Dena Cady to uphold the absolute banishment of Anthony Tamboury (Anton Polander) imposed by Jade and Eliana, King and Queen of the West, on August 28, 2004, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to continue his investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Abstained: Jeff Brown. Motion carried.
Revocation and Denial of Membership - Derrick Boos
Motion by Jason Williams to revoke and deny the membership of Derrick Boos (Gwydion ap Kynwric) of the Kingdom of Calontir from October 23, 2004 through May 31, 2005. Further, that Mr. Boos henceforth be prohibited from holding any position of financial responsibility within the SCA. Seconded by Dena Cady. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Jason Williams. Opposed: Gary Raine. Recused: Lis Schraer. Chairman Moore exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
TS Morgan/Outlands Crown Tournament Investigation
Motion by Jason Williams to suspend all Society combat-related activities of TS Morgan (Duke Sir `Abd al-Hakim ibn `Abd al-Rahman Shaddad al-Tomüki), of the Kingdom of the Outlands, effective October 23, 2004, until he undergoes a complete authorization process under the direct supervision of the Earl Marshal of the Kingdom in which he resides. Further, that Mr. Morgan may not participate in any Crown or Coronet list until October 23, 2006. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Chairman Moore exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
The Chairman requested that the following statement be read into the Minutes.
The Board wishes to reaffirm the sanctity, pageantry, courtesy, honor, and chivalry of the Society's Crown Tournaments by reminding all participants that they are responsible for meeting and complying with all Society and Kingdom requirements for participating in the martial arts. The Board expresses its disappointment in the actions of Duke Tomüki, a prominent Royal Peer and member of the Chivalry, for causing pain and inconvenience to his Kingdom through his disregard of its laws. We hope he will serve as a model for the actions of others in the future.
Laurel Office review
Motion by Gary Raine to not confirm Jacquie Ziegler (Shauna of Carrick Point) in the office of Laurel Sovereign of Arms for the remainder of the term. Seconded by Lis Schraer. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Gary Raine to appoint R. Wendel Bordelon (Francois la Flamme) as Acting Laurel
Sovereign of Arms until a suitable replacement can be found. Seconded by Dena Cady. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs report
The Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs presented a report to the Directors.
Personnel Changes
The Board elected Gabrielle Underwood (Adrielle Kerrec), of the Kingdom of Ealdormere, to Seat F on the Board of Directors. She will take her seat at the close of the January 2005 quarterly meeting.
Jason Williams was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors, effective at te close of the January 2005 quarterly meeting. Linda Moore continues as Chairman until that time.
Lis Schraer was re-elected to the position of Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Ombudsman Assignments
Ombudsman assignments are as follows:
Linda Moore: President, Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs, Society Seneschal, Corporate Office, Legal Committee
Jeff Brown: AEthelmearc, East, Middle, Chief Information Architect
Dena Cady: Caid, Lochac, West, Chirurgeon, Communications
Tom Hughes: Artemisia, Atenveldt, Outlands
Gary Raine: Atlantia, An Tir, Calontir, Heralds
Lis Schraer: Drachenwald, Ealdormere, Arts & Sciences, Board Recruiting, Financial Officers
Jason Williams: Ansteorra, Meridies, Northshield, Trimaris, Marshal, Grand Council
Quarterly Meeting Schedule
The First Quarter 2005 meeting will be held January 22, 2005, in Portland, Oregon (Kingdom of An Tir).
The Second Quarter 2005 meeting will be held April 16, 2005, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Kingdom of Ealdormere).
The Third Quarter 2005 meeting will be held July 16, 2005. The tentative location is Boise, Idaho (Kingdom of Artemisia).
The Fourth Quarter 2005 meeting will be held October 15, 2005. The tentative location is the Kingdom of AEthelmearc.
September 7, 2004
New Business
Scanner for Corporate Office
The Vice President for Corporate Operations reported that the appropriate scanner and associated equipment needed for the Corporate office firms scanning project have been found. The necessary funds are available in the office's budget. By consensus, Chairman Moore directed the Vice President for Corporate Operations to proceed with the purchase.
Executive Session
Revocation and Denial of Membership - Ben Schragger
Motion by Jason Williams to revoke and deny the membership of Ben Schragger (Ben the Steward) of the East Kingdom, effective September 7, 2004. Seconded by Dena Cady. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Absent: Gary Raine. Motion carried.
Personnel Changes
The Board reappointed Tom Bilodeau to the position of Treasurer of the SCA, Inc. for a term of two years, beginning when his current term ends on January 22, 2005.
The Board appointed Scott Courtney to the position of Chief Information Architect of the SCA, Inc. for the standard term of three years, effective April 16, 2005.
September 29, 2004
I. Executive Session
Outlands Fall 2004 Crown Tournament
Motion by Jason Williams to uphold the Society Seneschal's ruling that the Kingdom of the Outlands' Fall 2004 Crown Tournament was invalid and incapable of producing heirs to the Outlands' Thrones. Further, the Society Seneschal is directed to contact the principal parties of this decision and, further, to advise the Kingdom of the Outlands to schedule a follow-up tournament in accordance with Outlands Kingdom Law. Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
By consensus, the Chair noted that the Board finds that the Crown, Crown Princess, and officers of the Marshallate did everything in their power to ensure that only qualified entrants participated in the Outlands Fall 2004 Crown Tournament, and are not subject to censure or admonishment.
Motion by Gary Raine to direct the Society Seneschal to further investigate this matter to determine whether further sanctions against Duke Sir `Abd al-Hakim ibn `Abd al-Rahman Shaddad al-Tomüki (T.S. Morgan) are warranted. Seconded by Dena Cady. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
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SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036
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