[Ansteorra-announce] Bardic competition at Wastelands Defender

Lord Brother Liston Brounyng brotherliston at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 20 17:22:09 PDT 2005

Greetings Lords and Ladies of Ansteorra,

I, Lord Brother Liston Brounyng, eleventh Bard of the
Wastelands will host this years competition at the
Wastelands Defender, April 29-May 1 at Camp Cimmaron
near Coyle Oklahoma.

To become the 12th titled Bard of the Wastelands,
entrants must perform pieces of 2 different formats.

For example 1 story/1 song, 1 poem/1 song, 1 story/1
poem etc....

In addition, one of the pieces performed needs to be
focused on your local group.  It could be a piece
about your barony or shire, or it could be about a
person in your group.  We live in a great big,
beautiful kingdom and this gives us a chance to learn
about each other and the part of Ansteorra that each
of us hails from.  I would some local flavor in at
least one of the pieces from each entrant.

I look forward to hearing some super bardic and also
getting to know a bit more about your homes and

Pro Fide,
Lord Brother Liston Brounyng

Knight Marshal for The Incipient Shire of Amloch
Argent bearing Red, Blue, Cyan, Twice Thunder of Wooley Distinction, and Harp of Thunder
House Roaring Thunder
Eleventh Title Bard of the Wastelands
Founding member - Assembly of Retarded Donkeys (Bellydancing Battalion)

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