[Ansteorra-announce] New Kingdom Chirurgeon in Ansteorra

richard hall arkellvomcophus at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 16 17:56:24 PST 2005

The application of Lady Genevieve del Gamba has been accepted by TRMs Jason MacPherson and Saereid Sigmundsdottir & TRHs Abd-al Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim and Valeria Richila Navarro of the Sable Thrones of  Ansteorra as the next Kingdom Chirurgeon of the Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra. 
  ViVat to Lady Genevieve!!
  I would at this time like to thank everyone who has assisted me over the last 2 years during my time as Kingdom Chirurgeon. It has been a wonderful 2 years for me as KC and it is with many tears that the time has come for me to step aside for a new KC. I just hope that the chirurgeonate and populace of the awesome Kingdom Ansteoora gives Lady Genevieve as much support has was given to me.
  Yours in Humble Service to 
  the Chirurgeonate, the Populace, the Kingdom &
  The Dream!!
  Herr Arkell vom Cophus
  Master Chirurgeon
  Outgoing Kingdom Chirurgeon
  Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra

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