[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report of the July, 2005 Quarterly meeting

Linda Moore lmoore2122 at wi.rr.com
Mon Jul 25 15:15:54 PDT 2005


This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA, Inc.'s most recent Board of Directors meeting, held July 16, 2005 in Boise, Idaho, in the Kingdom of Artemisia.  This material may be freely distributed, and those receiving it are strongly encouraged to share this information with the general membership. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all, or part, of this report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is requested that the source of the information be identified as "from the President's Report of the July 2005 Board meeting" and that, as far as possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own. 

Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA, Inc. A subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at the meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA web site (http://www.sca.org/). 

The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on October 22, 2005, in Syracuse, New York, in the Kingdom of Aethelmarc.  The deadline for submission of agenda items is October 1, 2005. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Linda Moore   President, SCA Inc. 


Branch Status Changes
  1.. The Board took note of the following new branches: 
Shire of Flynthyll (Burlington, IA), Kingdom of Calontir

Shire of Marcaster (Pinellas County, FL), Kingdom of Trimaris

Shire of Darkstone (Ashland, WI), Kingdom of Northshield

  2.. The Board took note of the following routine changes in status: 
Shire of Vulcanfeldt (Yakima, WA), Kingdom of An Tir, is now a Barony.  

College of Caer Gelynniog (Scottsvlle, VA), Kingdom of Atlantia, is now a Canton of the Barony of Caer Mear.

  3.. The Board took note of the following branch dissolution: 
Canton of Dubh Thrian (Melbourne, Australia), Kingdom of Lochac, Barony of Stormhold

Old Business
A.     Proposed revision to By-Laws VI.E.2 (Directors' Terms)

At the January 2005 quarterly meeting, the Board of Directors voted to ask the membership for commentary on changing By-Laws VI.E.2., as follows, in order to match current practice.  


"Directors' terms shall be staggered so that one term ends each six months. Under ordinary circumstances, Directors shall serve fourteen quarters."  


After reviewing the commentary received, the Directors approved this change, effective immediately.  


B               Proposed Revision to Corpora IX.A.6. (Minor Fighter Authorization)


Corpora IX.A.6. currently reads:

"Prior to the authorization of a minor in any Society combat-related activity, the parent or guardian of the minor must witness the activity, discuss it with a witnessing marshal, and execute a Waiver, indemnity, or other required document for the minor. The witnessing marshal must be explicitly authorized to perform this function by the Earl Marshal of the kingdom. The marshal who authorizes a minor person for any form of Society combat-related activity must be the Kingdom Earl Marshal or the Principality Marshal. This need not be the same person as the witnessing marshal."
This passage is at best confusing, and at worst contradictory. It appears to require that the Kingdom Earl Marshal be the only person who can authorize minor fighters. This is often impractical, and disagrees with the standards set forth in the Marshal's Handbook. Therefore, the following change was proposed at the January 2005 quarterly meeting and sent to the membership for commentary:

"Prior to the authorization of a minor in any Society combat-related activity, the parent or guardian of the minor must witness the activity, discuss it with a witnessing marshal, and execute a Waiver, indemnity, or other required document for the minor. The witnessing marshal must be explicitly authorized to perform this function by the Earl Marshal of the kingdom. The marshal who authorizes a minor person for any form of Society combat-related activity must be the Kingdom Earl Marshal or the Principality Marshal OR A DESIGNATED DEPUTY. This need not be the same person as the witnessing marshal."
This change was approved by the Directors, to be effective 60 days from the notification of the Kingdom Seneschals.

C.        Proposed Revision to Corpora IX.A.5 (Youth Combat)


Corpora IX.A.5 currently reads in part:


"No person who has not attained his or her sixteenth (16th) birthday may be authorized in armored combat or the marshaling of armored combat. No person who has not attained his or her fourteenth (14th) birthday may be authorized for any form of Society combat-related activity."


The Society Seneschal had recommended this be addressed with a change that was sent to the membership for comment previously.  After conversation, the directors rewrote the suggested change to:


 "In order to be authorized as a combatant or marshal in adult armored combat, an individual must have attained his or her sixteenth (16th) birthday. In order to be authorized as a participant, combatant, or marshal in any other form of Society combat-related activity, except Youth Combat, an individual must have attained his or her fourteenth (14th) birthday."


Because of the substantive difference in the recommended change, Chairman Williams ordered this item put back before the membership for comment. Commentary shall be due by October 1, 2005.

New Business
A         Proposed Change to Corpora VIII.D.1 (Personal Awards/Titles)


Joseph Radding (Duke Eliahu ben Itzhak) presented a proposal to the Board requesting a change in the rules governing titles implying landedness. The proposed change would allow those of Baronial, Viscounty, County or Ducal rank to style themselves as the Baron/Viscount/Countess/Duchess <registered household name>. 


The Directors were interested in pursuing the idea further, so Chairman Williams directed the Laurel Queen of Arms and the College of Arms to pursue research into the feasibility of this proposal. 

Officers' Reports
Action items and policy decisions (note: officers not mentioned here had no action items or policy decisions to present for Board review):


The out-going president had no action items or policy decisions; however, it should be noted that this was the last meeting for Megan Baron.  The Board thanked her for her years of service. 

Society Seneschal 

The Society Seneschal was asked for clarification regarding when event staff should summon modern authorities in the course of an event.  While the below policy was included as part of the Seneschal's Handbook revision which is upcoming, the handbook revision is not yet complete, so this policy was presented on its own. 


4.   Modern-Era Laws and Rules

a.         When a person presents themselves as the victim of a crime to event staff or the supervising seneschal, they should be encouraged to go straight to the modern authorities.  If the reporting party refuses to summon the authorities, the incident will be noted and no further action will be taken.

 b.        When a person is brought in to event staff with wounds that appear to be the result of a violent felony, the event staff will summon the authorities at once, and not question the alleged victim beyond determining that the wounds did not occur as a result of a mishap.

c.         When crimes involving minors are made apparent either by the minor presenting themselves for assistance, or being found incapacitated in some way, the event staff should effect aid via on-site medical staff and/or 911, pull the medical waiver if such applies, and locate the parent/guardian.  If the minor appears to have been the victim of a violent crime, the authorities must be summoned.

d.         SCA staff will not put themselves in the position of investigating criminal acts, nor interviewing alleged victims.  Even if modern authorities assume control and responsibility for the matter, this does not preclude the SCA from taking other measures as prove appropriate.

e.         It is the policy of the Society Seneschal that the SCA, Inc. is not an administrating body for modern-era court orders, and as such seneschals and autocrats will refer participants to modern-era authorities for the enforcement of same.


The Board approved this policy.


The Society Seneschal also presented a policy to minimize space usage in Kingdom newsletters, by allowing Kingdom Seneschals to be able to minimize space usage in Kingdom newsletters by publishing the entirety of their office policy handbooks on their Kingdom web site and to make them available in hardcopy on request to the membership, rather than take up half of the Kingdom newsletter with publications. 


The Board decided to take no action at this time, but consider this change as part of the Society Seneschal's handbook revision.


The Kingdom of the West submitted a Non-Member Surcharge Variance Request for the Barony of the Far West and its branches to this office on March 22, 2005. This Barony contains the lands of Japan (multiple islands), Korea, Guam and Tinian. They have similar currency and banking problems to the banking problems encountered in the Kingdom of Drachenwald. The Treasurer granted this variance. However, the Board returned it for more information at the April 2005 quarterly meeting.  The Treasurer answered the Board's questions regarding this variance and resubmitted it, and it was approved this quarter.

The Treasurer also asked that the Board begin the search for his successor.  A call for applications will go out, with a deadline of October 1, 2005.

Society Exchequer 

The Board approved financial policies presented by the Society Exchequer for the Kingdoms of Caid and Ealdormere.  The financial policy of the Kingdom of An Tir was returned for further work. 

Society Marshal 

The Society Marshal presented the following definition of "Adult Armored Combat", to be placed in the Marshal's Handbook under Section I. Combat Authorization Requirements, A. General, as Item 1. Subsequent items should be renumbered accordingly. 

For purposes of this definition only, "adult" is defined to mean anyone aged 16 or older as allowed specifically by Corpora and Kingdoms for the purpose of SCA armored combat.


Armored Combat: A full contact, non-choreographed re-creation of medieval foot combat utilizing clothing, protective armor, and simulated weapons constructed in accordance with SCA standards, with the overall goal of recreating the appearance and methods of combat from the historical period covered by the SCA. For purposes of this definition, all combatants are held to be equipped in the same manner, defined as that of approximately 1100 AD: a knee-length mail hauberk, one-piece helm with nasal, and boiled leather defenses for the lower arms and legs. Weapons and armor are constructed from approved materials as defined by the Society Marshal. Adult Armored Combat as defined above does not include light contact martial forms, such as Rapier and Youth Combat. Adult Armored Combat includes all Combat Archery and Siege weaponry used in melees or for war.


The Board accepted this definition of "Adult Armored Combat."


The Society Marshal presented the following definition of the roles and missions for Youth Combat, to be placed in the Marshal's Handbook under Section I. Combat Authorization Requirements, A. General, as Item 2. Subsequent items should be renumbered accordingly.


Youth Combat is a program designed for minors ages 6-17. These programs require armor, require certain weapon construction techniques and materials, train young fighters in proper etiquette, the concepts of Chivalry, Honor and Courtesy, teach teamwork and good sportsmanship, as well as effective fighting arts, in a definitely competitive environment that parallels Adult Armored Combat. It employs Marshals, authorizations and strict controls. The Marshallate is responsible for Youth Combat, and each Kingdom is allowed to develop and run its own program.


The Board accepted this definition of the roles and missions for Youth Combat, and thanked the Society Marshal for his hard work in providing these definitions.


Society Minister of Arts and Sciences


The Society Minister of Arts and Sciences presented a "Proposal for the Study and Education of Historical Combat Techniques within the SCA."  He asked that it be housed on the www.sca.org web site as part of the Society Arts and Sciences page if approved.


The Board approved this proposal.


Laurel Sovereign of Arms


Laurel presented a minor policy change, to wit: she is no longer offering yearly subscriptions to the LoAR, as this has been very little utilized (only three at the present time.)  These will be allowed to expire.  Instead, Master Symond will be offering for sale copies of individual LoARs, available for $3.00 US per month.  The Laurel web site and cover letter information have been changed to reflect this.


The Board agreed that this was within the purview of Laurel Sovereign of Arms. 


Chief Technology Officer


The Chief Technology Officer requested funding for business-continuity support, including the needed systems to support remote backup of critical information from the sca.org server. 


The Board directed the CTO to proceed with his plan, as funding was available as originally provided for in the 2005 budget.


The CTO asked if it is within his purview to create policies for data formats of official documents being published on SCA-owned web sites.


The Board said it was within the purview of his office, and directed him to develop the policy and return it to the Board.

Grand Council 

The Grand Council presented analysis of the membership survey from 2004, and is working on suggested topics for the Board's long-range planning efforts.

Legal Committee 

In the Second Quarter of 2005, the Legal Committee reviewed the Personal Information Protection Act ("PIPA") of British Columbia and similar laws enacted in Canada, to determine whether the forms and documents used by the SCA in Canada comply with those laws.  PIPA applies to organizations that operate in British Columbia that collect the personal information of its members, employees, clients or customers, and it provides disclosure and privacy policy requirements for those organizations.  PIPA applies to the SCA in that certain personal information is collected from applicants on SCA membership applications.  The Committee noted that the SCA's use of such personal information is strictly administrative in nature, and recommended a specific privacy statement to the Board.  


The bulk of the Committee's discussions, however, were on issues related to the chirurgeonate.  The Committee recommends an in-depth review of the SCA, Inc.'s relationship to the chirurgeonate to identify potential litigious problems and situations and apply appropriate remedial policies to protect the Corporation.  


Finally, the Committee noted that the age of majority in the United States is not necessarily 18; the Committee found one state in particular where a person is considered to be a minor until he or she turns 19.  If and how this affects the SCA is being considered.

Executive Session
Kingdom of the Outlands Request for Sanction of Previous Crown


By consensus, Chairman Williams directed the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into possible violations of Outlands Kingdom traditions and customs by Ibrahim and Ileana as Sovereign and Consort of the Outlands, pursuant to the request of Hoegaarden and Chiara, King and Queen of the Outlands.


Chairman Williams further directed that the minutes reflect that the Board recognizes the challenging position of Their Majesties Hoegaarden and Chiara in this matter, and commends Their actions in bringing it forward.


Society Marshal Applications


Motion by Tom Hughes to appoint Kevin Roderick (Hrothgar Monomakh) to the position of Society Marshal for the standard three-year term, subject to the standard six-month probationary period, effective at the conclusion of the October 2005 quarterly meeting. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood.  Opposed: none.  Motion carried.


Revocation and Denial of Membership - Kevin Aspinall


Motion by Lis Schraer to revoke and deny the membership of Kevin Aspinall (Ian of Silverlake), of the Kingdom of the West, effective immediately. Seconded by Dena Cady.  In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood.  Opposed: none.  Motion carried.


Banishment from the Realm - Gregory D. Capello


Motion by Gabrielle Underwood to uphold the banishment from the realm of Gregory D. Capello (Ulfr Imason) imposed by Brannos and Rebekah, King and Queen of the Midrealm, on March 18, 2005. Seconded by Shawn Reed. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.


Motion by Gabrielle Underwood to uphold the banishment from the realm of Gregory D. Capello (Ulfr Imason) imposed by Alaric and Noelle, King and Queen of the Midrealm, on April 16, 2005. Seconded by Lis Schraer. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.


Absolute Banishment - Steven Cowley


Motion by Shawn Reed to uphold the absolute banishment of Steven Cowley (Steffan the Close) imposed by Phelan and Mariana, King and Queen of Atenveldt, on April 17, 2005, and to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Seconded by Tom Hughes. In favor: Jeff Brown, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Recused: Dena Cady. Motion carried.


Motion by Lis Schraer to uphold the absolute banishment of Steven Cowley (Steffan the Close) imposed by Eduard and Asa, King and Queen of Atenveldt, on May 7, 2005. Further, that Mr. Cowley henceforth be prohibited from holding office in the SCA. Seconded by Gabrielle Underwood. In favor: Jeff Brown, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Recused: Dena Cady. Motion carried.


Exile from the Realm - Stan Harmon


Motion by Gabrielle Underwood to uphold the exile from the realm of Stan Harmon (Galen Storm) imposed by Robert and Denise, King and Queen of Atlantia, on May 7, 2005, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Seconded by Tom Hughes. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.


Absolute Banishment - Robert Bower


Motion by Lis Schraer to uphold the absolute banishment of Robert Bower (Richard of Wolfscairn) imposed by Direk and Chamayn, King and Queen of Caid, on April 9, 2005, and to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Seconded by Dena Cady. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.


Banishment from the Realm - David George


Motion by Lis Schraer to uphold the banishment from the realm of David George (Daoud Barbarossa ed Din) imposed by Skeggi and Taisiia, King and Queen of An Tir, on April 3, 2005. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.


Revocation and Denial of Membership - Doug Heyns


By consensus, Chairman Williams ordered this item remanded to the October 2005 quarterly meeting.


Revocation and Denial of Membership - Bruce Parker


By consensus, Chairman Williams ordered this item remanded to the October 2005 quarterly meeting.


Letitia Wilde Investigation Report


Motion by Dena Cady to revoke the Peerage of Letitia Wilde (Richenza von Augsburg). Seconded by Tom Hughes. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Chairman Williams exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 


Motion by Dena Cady to restrict Letitia Wilde (Richenza von Augsburg) from holding office, fighting or being fought for in Crown or Coronet Tournaments, or participating in martial activities for a period of three years, effective July 16, 2005. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 


By consensus, Chairman Williams commended the Order of Chivalry of the West for making the difficult decision to bring this matter forward.


By consensus, Chairman Williams commended AJ Riviezzo for his very thorough and enlightening report on his investigation of this matter.


David George Appeal


Motion by Lis Schraer to deny the appeal of David George (Daoud Barbarossa ed Din) of the banishment imposed by Skeggi and Taisiia, King and Queen of An Tir, on April 3, 2005. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Chairman Williams exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs Report - Carol O'Leary


The Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs presented a report to the Directors. As this is her last meeting, she requested that the following be read into the minutes:


I commend everyone who serves, or who has ever served, or ever will serve the SCA or any of its affiliates as an officer at any level for their efforts, their sacrifices, and their intent to make the world, and especially our little piece of it, a better, more honorable place. I especially commend Renee Signorotti and her office staff, who don't even play our game but work hard on its behalf.


In 1974, the SCA changed my life. In 2004, the SCA and the people in it gave me a reason to continue living, as well as a reason to care whether I did or not. Thank you all for that - for your faith and trust in me, and for the opportunity to serve the organization that has meant so very much to me and my family - that indeed has BECOME my family - for such a long time. Should there ever again be a task for which I am suited, I hope you and your successors will always know that I am ready, like Arthur, to return at need. 


Revocation and Denial of Membership - Mark Benton


This item was dealt with at the June 2005 conference call meeting.


Selection of New Director


Motion by Tom Hughes to elect Heather English (Theiadora Groves), of the Kingdom of the West, to seat A on the Board of Directors effective at the close of the October 2005 quarterly meeting, subject to the standard probationary period. Seconded by Dena Cady. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams.  Opposed: none.  Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Changes
Linda Moore noted that this was the last meeting for Carol O'Leary.  She was commended for her long and valued service and presented with a farewell gift of an engraved box containing gifts represented her varied interests in the SCA.   Ms. O'Leary thanked the members for the gift.


Jason Williams acknowledged this as the last meeting for Meg Baron.  She was commended for her long years of service, and presented with a handmade peerage medallion especially for her.  Ms. Baron stated that it was an honor to serve.  Jason Williams then handed her the Chairman's gavel and allowed her to chair the final adjournment.


Quarterly Meeting Schedule
The Fourth Quarter 2005 meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2005, in Syracuse, New York (Kingdom of Aethelmearc).

The First Quarter 2006 meeting will be held January 21, 2006, in Atlanta, Georgia (Kingdom of Meridies.) 

The Second Quarter 2006 meeting will be held April 22, 2006, in Indianapolis, Indiana (Kingdom of the Middle.)

The Third Quarter 2006 meeting will be held July 17, 2006.  The tentative location is the Kingdom of Atlantia.
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