[Ansteorra-announce] Eldern XXVIII

Cheri Hodek texastornado_50 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 17 14:29:08 PDT 2006

Unto the good people of Ansteorra, warm greetings 


Just a genteel reminder that Eldern XXVIII is coming soon. 


Eldern XXVIII will be held on the weekend of May 19 - 21 at Camp Ekowah, just east of Marlow, OK.  There will be cabins available and plenty of camping spaces, bathhouses with shower space strategically placed over the campsite. There will also be a tavern located on site. 


Tournaments will be held to choose Baronial Champions in Archery, Chivalric combat, and Rapier combat. There will be a Middle Eastern dance competition, as well as, a beginner’s and intermediate drumming classes.


HL Elizabeth de Calais will prepare a fabulous feast

We are offering ACCEPS for the event

Cabin and Feast reservations can be made with Lady Muirenn inghean Chonail at TexasTornado_50 at yahoo.com

In Service to Ansteorra, 
  Lady Muirenn inghean Chonaill
  Lord Aiden of Eldern Hills
  Event Stewards

"Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've 
been but also where you're going.  Life is not a race, but a journey to 
be savored each step of the way."

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