[Ansteorra-announce] Fwd: a plea for help from the signet clerk of drachenwald

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 10 16:36:02 PST 2006

Greetings Ansteorra, 
The below request was received from Bridget Greywolf, Signet officer for award scrolls from
Drachenwald.  She is in search of award recipients from Drachenwald who have since moved
elsewhere.  This missive is an attempt to locate those persons, and forward their completed award
scrolls to them.  

If several Ansteorran's contact Lady Bridget with their new address information; Bridget is
welcome to send multiple scrolls in one package to me, and I can distribute them within Ansteorra;
so as to save postage.  If you are willing for me to do that on your behalf, please contact me as
well with your information.  

If others know the whereabouts of these gentles, please feel free to forward this post, or you can
advise Bridget of their last known addresses.  

Yours in service on this quest, 
Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet Ansteorra  

--- merlyn at virulent.de wrote:
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 23:07:41 +0100
Subject: a plea for help from the signet clerk of drachenwald

Greetings to all,
I am Bridget Greywolf, Clerk Signet of Drachenwald and I need your help.

Drachenwald had a fairly hefty backlog which over the past two years I and my scribes have done
our very best o get rid of. Now I have a box fullof completed and signed scrolls with no homes. 

As many of you may know Drachenwald's populace is somewhat transitory and by now many of the award
recipents whose scrolls I have will have moved on to other lands and fair kingdoms.

I would ask that people contact me directly with this email address:   merlyn at virulent.de
> ---
> now for the list:
> Adrienne de Pourquoy	AoA
> Agorwal of Konigsborn	AoA
> Alanna 	AoA
> Alba de Perugia	AoA
> Alessandra Giovanna Viscnti	Panache
> Alfonso Henrugie de Montoya	AoA
> Alvilda In Fagra	PCS
> Andreas von Turmstadt	AoA
> Angel de Saint Germain	AoA
> Angus Duncan MacDougall	AoA
> Annanien Thonainn	AoA
> Aodnah Macniall	AoA
> Arildh Bracke	AoA
> Arionrhod o Gymru	AoA
> Bonbha Ni Chearbhaill	AoA
> Bryan of Twin Charges	AoA
> Calibrid Setna ingeanheachtighearna	AoA
> Ciara Bui	AoA
> Comar Longius Blackburn	Panache
> Conall Ruadh O Ceallaigh	AoA
> Eckhart zu Westfilde	lindquistringes
> Eilgri Beccan	Panache
> Eleanora of Carlisle	AoA
> Elisabeth von Crayen	AoA
> Elizabeth Hollingsworth	Panache
> Erik Rotbart	PCS
> Fiacra Fitzhery	AoA
> Franziskus von Bachheim	AoA
> Gilbert de Bracton	AoA
> Gregorio dello Falco	AoA
> Gwenllian ferch Rhys	AoA
> Gyles of Rochester	AoA
> Hans the Peasant	PCS
> Heather of the Forest	Court Barony
> Helena van Aemstelredamme	Lindquistringes
> Hilde	AoA
> Hilde	AoA
> Huw Llanfairpg	AoA
> Isabella Des Estolies	AoA
> Jeanne of Pontalarch	AoA
> Jehan de Lorraine	Lindquistringes
> Jelena Alesejevna	AoA
> Jennifer Iliara Morgan	AoA
> Johanna of Scarfinore	AoA
> Kadakh Ba'Atuur	AoA
> Kamal el-din Masoud 	AoA
> Katherine	PCS
> Katla Aasir Aaswald	AoA
> Laurentius Astronomicus Andreae	AoA
> Lianna Fitzpatrick	AoA
> Madeline de Chelle	AoA
> Magdalena von der Plesse	PCS
> Marie d'Alise Saint Reine	Sigillum
> Matteus Jacobus	Lindquistringes
> Michael of Aquitaine	AoA
> Mikhaila von Dhaun	AoA
> Mogh Uai Nuadat	AoA
> Mohammed al-Kasy	AoA
> Morat d'Orleans	AoA
> Muelech Mac Mouireagh	AoA
> Murdoch of Muirhead	AoA
> Mysella Kirkos	AoA
> Niccolo di Tana	AoA
> Olavi Tirwa	AoA
> Rachel of Vielburgen	AoA
> Reinald Van Milant	PCS
> Rodair Ruske	Lindquistringes
> Rudolf of Ramsey	AoA
> Rue Eridorn	AoA
> Sam the Tree	Lindquistringes
> Santiago Llaurens Steven  Montalifero de Tortosa	AoA
> Seamus Donn	AoA
> Siegfried von Reudenswill	AoA
> Thorkal Blackheart	Panache
> Trevellyn Silverhawk	Queens OC
> Tiara of Castle d'Or	AoA
> Timothy of Porchester	AoA
> Tolbert von Ex un Evenstein	AoA
> Ulf Raude	AoA
> Vaughn von Vobaughn	AoA
> Vincenzo di Paparazzi	AoA
> Wolfhand von Achtenturm	AoA
> I thankyou all for all and any help you may be able to provide.
> best wishes
> bridget
> ---
> Lättsaltade Potatisnacks

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