[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report-July, 2006 Board meeting
pmanderson at mac.com
pmanderson at mac.com
Wed Jul 26 07:50:44 PDT 2006
This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA Inc.'s most recent Board of Directors meeting, held July 15, 2006 in Indianapolis, Indiana, in the Kingdom of Middle. This material may be freely distributed, and those receiving it are strongly encouraged to share this information with the general membership. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all or part of this report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is requested that the source of the information be identified as "from the President's Report of the July, 2006 Board meeting" and that, as far as possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own.
Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at the meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA web site (http://www.sca.org/).
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on October 21, 2006, in Memphis, Tennessee, in the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann. The deadline for submission of agenda items is October 1, 2006. Please send hardcopies of any agenda items to Renee Signorotti at the SCA, Inc. corporate office by that date
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Anderson
Interim President, SCA Inc.
The Board took note of six new branches: the Canton of Angel's Keep (New York, USA), the Shire of Wyndgate (Shelby, Montana, USA), the Shire of Alcazar de Brioga (Spain), the Shire of Northover (Covington, Louisiana, USA), the Shire of Rook's Haven (Tupelo, Mississippi, USA) and the Shire of Noirgarde (Spearfish, South Dakota, USA). The Board also took note of the change of status of the Shire of Donnershafen (Traverse City, Michigan, USA) which became a Barony. Finally, the Board noted that two groups, the Shire of Drachentor (Danville, Virginia, USA) and the Canton of Sandmork (Eastern Long Island and Twin Forks, New York, USA) were dissolved.
Family Membership Revision
The proposed family membership revision was approved by the Board. Section I.B.4 of the Corporate Policies for the SCA, Inc. is to read as follows:
4. Family Membership extends the privileges of Section I.B.l to one additional adult and persons aged 21 and under who live at the same physical address as a member defined in paragraphs B.1-B.2 of this Article. This type of membership is not considered a subscribing membership.
This will go into effect on January 1, 2007.
Administrative Suspensions
The proposed change to Corpora XC Administrative Suspension, which would grant the Society Seneschal some powers to sanction a person was remanded to the October meeting by consensus.
West Kingdom NMS Exemption Proposal
A proposal was brought by the Kingdom of the West to exempt Western events below the Principality level from the non-member surcharge. By consensus Chairman Williams ordered that no action be taken on this issue.
Corpora IV.B Revision Request ? Royalty Qualifications
A proposal was brought by members in An Tir to change Corpora to disallow Crown Tournament participation by people who are non-residents of the Kingdom. By consensus, the Board denied the petition to amend Corpora IV.B.
Marshals Handbooks
The Board ordered both the Marshal's Handbook and the Siege Engines Handbook to be returned to the Society Marshal for further work.
Corpora and Bylaw Changes ? Board, Corporate and Society Officer Qualifications
A number of proposed changes to Corpora and the Bylaws outlining conditions under which Board members and Corporate and Society officers will have been deemed to have resigned were returned to the President for further work.
Corpora I.E. Proposed Change ? Unofficial Entities
A proposal was brought to the Board by the Society Exchequer to permit certain entities, such as guilds, to become official entities of the SCA. By consensus, Chairman Williams ordered this item be returned to the Society Exchequer for further work.
2006 Pennsic Adult Waiver Variance Request
The Board approved the standard variance to the SCA, Inc. adult and minor waivers for the upcoming Pennsic War 35.
Proposed Change to By-Law VI.L ? Board of Directors / Committees
By consensus the Board remanded the following proposed change to the By-Laws to the January 2007 quarterly meeting and put it out to the membership for comment, with comments due by October 31, 2006. The proposed change to By-Law VI.L reads:
The Board may designate one or more committees to serve at the pleasure of the Board. These committees shall serve as advisory bodies, and shall not exercise the authority or power of the Board. Like all Officers of the SCA, committees designated by the Board are subject to the requirements set forth in Section II.C of the Corporate Policies of the SCA.
Proposed Change to Corpora VI.D ? Marshal of the Society
By consensus the Board remanded the following proposed change to Corpora to the January 2007 quarterly meeting and put it out to the membership for comment, with comments due by October 31, 2006. The proposed change to Corpora (underlined) VI.D reads:
The Marshal of the Society is responsible for activities related to combat, archery and equestrian activities. This includes directing the Earls Marshal of the Kingdoms in matters concerning the supervision of combat and related activities at Society events and the manner and conduct of duties of all marshals throughout the Society; working with the Society Chirurgeon to promote safety in the Society?s martial arts; and working with the Minister of Arts and Sciences to encourage research in armor and weapons. The Board specifically authorizes the Marshal to make interpretations and clarifications regarding the Rules of the Lists, with the proviso that such rulings must be reported to the Board at the following meeting. The Marshal's rulings will stand until and unless overruled by the Board.
Action items and policy decisions (note: officers not mentioned here had no action items or policy decisions to present for Board review):
President Anderson asked that the Board approve a resolution to register the SCA, Inc. as a foreign corporation in most of the provinces and territories of Canada. The Board did approve that resolution. The President also commended Kellie Hultgren for stepping into the role of editor for the office of the President.
Vice President of Operations (Society Seneschal)
The Board upheld Mr. Reed's interpretation that an appeal of a sanction must be made by the person who was sanctioned. The Board also upheld Mr. Reed's ruling that Marshals at Large are required to have memberships, due to the fact that they are warranted safety officers of the SCA. Mr. Reed commended Modius von Mergentheim (Erik Langhans), outgoing Seneschal of Ansteorra.
Compleat Anachronist Editor
Ms. Crean commended all those who worked on CA #131 and CA #132.
Society Exchequer
This was Ms. Earley?s last quarterly meeting as Society Exchequer. Ms. Earley commended several people including Charles Cohen, George Reed, Carolyn Richardson, Kathy Palmer and Fernando Vigil. She also commended Tom Earley.
Chairman Williams commended Susan Earley for her extensive and tireless work in this office.
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee presented several buy and sell recommendations, and recommended that the Board extend the stop-loss amounts set at the last meeting. The Board approved the buy-sell recommendations and the stop-loss amounts.
Society Chronicler
Dr. Carroll-Clark requested feedback from the Board and Corporate Officers regarding policy formulation around SCA-centered public mailing lists that appear (because of domain names or use of SCA group names) to be connected with SCA groups, specifically in regard to granting or revoking access to those who have been issued higher-level banishments (such as Banishment from the Realm, Exile from the Realm, and Absolute Banishment). By consensus, Chairman Williams ordered this item be referred to the Legal Committee for consideration. Dr. Carroll-Clark commended the outgoing Chronicler of Caid, Dame Alesia (Alice Anderson).
Laurel Sovereign of Arms
Ms. Mohr commended Tanzos Istvan (Lewis Tanzos), Blue Tyger Herald, East Kingdom for his work on the OSCAR system.
Mr. Roderick commended Herr Alexander Gustav von Hardtwald of Drachenwald and Master Quinn Phelan for their work on the Marshals Handbook and the Siege Engine Marshals Handbook.
Minister of Arts and Sciences
Mr. Jennings, asked that the Board approve Messer Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia (Mka Joe Cook-Giles) as his Society Deputy for Arts and Sciences. Mr. Cook-Giles? warrant was signed by the Board. Mr. Jennings commended Mistress Thea Northernridge for her two years as Caid KMoAS and Chiara Grassi for her two years in the Outlands.
Society Chirurgeon
Dr. Hart-Carlock asked that the Board put out a call for her successor in office. She also asked that the Board review some potential alternate titles for the Chirurgeonate ranks. By consensus, Chairman Williams ruled that the following titles be instituted as the new title series for the Chirurgeon's office: Chirurgeon-in-Training, Chirurgeon, and Mentor Chirurgeon.
By consensus, Chairman directed the Society Chirurgeon to amend all Chirurgeon paperwork to reflect the new title series, and to provide copies of the aforementioned paperwork to the Vice President of Operations by October 1, 2006.
Dr. Hart-Carlock commended THLd Tvorimir Danilov for organizing and running the Known World Chirurgeon Symposium.
Chief Technology Officer
Mr. Courtney commended and appreciated the patience of Theresa Anderson and Renee Signorotti as they worked through some problems with nightly report runs subsequent to the move of the main web site. In spite of the inconvenience to their workday, they provided timely and detailed trouble reports and waited patiently while the matters were addressed.
Director Jeff Brown was absent for some of the Executive Session.
Society Exchequer Applications
Motion by Tom Hughes to appoint Mazelle Attiya (Maitresse Alysia Gabrielle de Fougeres) to the position of Society Exchequer, effective July 31, 2006, subject to the six month probationary period. Seconded by Hal Simon. In favor: Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Hal Simon, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Heather English to amend the motion by Tom Hughes appointing Mazelle Attiya (Maitresse Alysia Gabrielle de Fougeres) to the position of Society Exchequer, effective July 31, 2006 to become effective August 31, 2006 and subject to the six month probationary period. Seconded by Gabrielle Underwood. In favor: Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Hal Simon, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
After deliberation subsequent to the initial motion by Tom Hughes appointing Mazelle Attiya to the position of Society Exchequer it was determined that in order to facilitate a smoother transition, the effective date of the appointment be postponed until August 31, 2006.
Motion by Gabrielle Underwood to extend the warrant of Society Exchequer and term of office of Susan Earley, to August 31, 2006. Seconded by Heather English. In favor: Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Hal Simon, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Nancy Van Doren (Nan Astrid of York) - Appeal
Director Tom Hughes recused himself from discussion of or voting on this issue.
By consensus, Chairman Williams acknowledged receipt of additional documentation from Nancy Van Doren (Nan Astrid of York) and direct the Society Seneschal to pass this information on to the investigating officer.
Vance Van Doren (Pieter Van Dooren) - Appeal
Director Tom Hughes recused himself from discussion of or voting on this issue.
By consensus, Chairman Williams acknowledged receipt of additional documentation from Vance Van Doren and direct the Society Seneschal to pass this information on to the investigating officer.
Van Doren Investigation Status Update
By consensus, Chairman Williams order this issue remanded to the October 2006 quarterly meeting pending further investigation.
Nancy Van Doren (Nan Astrid of York) - Exile from the Realm
By consensus, Chairman Williams order this issue remanded to the October 2006 quarterly meeting pending further investigation.
Vance Van Doren (Pieter Van Dooren) - Exile from the Realm
By consensus, Chairman Williams order this issue remanded to the October 2006 quarterly meeting pending further investigation.
Barbara Busillo (Caitlin) Appeal
Motion by Gabrielle Underwood to deny the appeal of revocation and denial of membership of Barbara Busillo (Caitlin) imposed by the Board on April 22, 2006. Seconded by Heather English. In favor: Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Hal Simon, Gabrielle Underwood. Chairman Williams exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: none. Motion carried unanimously.
Lyn Goodnight - Revocation and Denial of Membership
By consensus, Chairman Williams ordered this item remanded to the October 2006 quarterly meeting
Maria Martino (Phaedra Maria da Frasso) Absolute Banishment
Motion by Gabrielle Underwood to uphold the absolute banishment of Maria Martino (Phaedra Maria da Frasso) imposed by Michael and Seonid, King and Queen of Atlantia on April 1, 2006. Seconded by Tom Hughes. In favor: Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Hal Simon, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Maria Martino (Phaedra Maria da Frasso) Revocation and Denial of Membership
Motion by Heather English to revoke and deny the membership of Maria Martino (Phaedra Maria da Frasso) effective July 15, 2006. Seconded by Gabrielle Underwood. In favor: Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Hal Simon, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Brand Lancaster (Brand Armond of Lancaster) - Exile from the Realm
Chairman Jason Williams recused himself from discussion of or voting on this issue and was absent from the meeting during this discussion.
By consensus, Acting Chairman Brown ordered this item remanded to the October 2006 quarterly meeting and directed the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into the matter.
Dorothy Selders (Nuala Lionhome) - Exile from the Realm
Chairman Jason Williams recused himself from discussion of or voting on this issue and was absent from the meeting during this discussion.
By consensus, Vice-Chairman Brown ordered this item remanded to the October 2006 quarterly meeting and directed the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into the matter.
Bruce Parker Revocation and Denial of Membership
By consensus, pending the receipt of court documents, Chairman Williams ordered this item remanded to the October 2006 quarterly meeting.
Peggy Moxley-Prothero (Fluoerana von Stroheim, Gaia Licina Prima, Izabel Pemberton) - Absolute Banishment
Motion by Gabrielle Underwood to uphold the absolute banishment of Peggy Moxley-Prothero (Fluoerana von Stroheim, Gaia Licina Prima, Izabel Pemberton) imposed by Sven and Signy, King and Queen of An Tir on May 26, 2006, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Further, that she henceforth be prohibited from holding any position of financial responsibility within the SCA. Seconded by Tom Hughes. In favor: Jeff Brown, Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Hal Simon, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Jared Ribardi (Lan) - Absolute Banishment
By consensus, Chairman Williams ordered this item remanded to the October 2006 quarterly meeting.
Charles Williams (Corwyn the Oft Misspelled) - Absolute Banishment
Motion by Heather English to uphold the absolute banishment of Charles Williams (Corwyn the Oft Misspelled) imposed by Boru and Deirdre King and Queen of Meridies on February 11, 2006 and that the Society Seneschal be directed to begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Hal Simon, Gabrielle Underwood. Chairman Williams exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: none. Motion carried unanimously.
Selection of Director
Motion by Heather English to extend the term of Director Tom Hughes, Seat C, by one quarter to the conclusion of the January 2007 quarterly meeting. Seconded by Shawn Reed. In favor: Jeff Brown, Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Hal Simon, Gabrielle Underwood, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried unanimously.
In light of the imminent transition of the Society Exchequer?s office, the upcoming budget cycle, and the recent transition of the Treasurer?s office, the Board felt in the interest of responsible financial planning that extending the term of Director Tom Hughes by one quarter was warranted.
Patrick Anderson
(Gabriel andvaka Kjotvason)
Interim President
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
president at sca.org
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