[Ansteorra-announce] Rules for the Iron Star of Ansteorra

Sean Hertzberg colsith at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 06:41:44 PDT 2007

Please feel free to forward this to any list you feel appropriate.

Greetings unto the Rapier fighters of Ansteorra!

Below are the initial rules for the Contesting of the Ansteorran Iron
Star. The AIS is a continuous tourney pitting melee teams from across
the kingdom against one another in a series of fights to determine who
is the best of the best on the melee field.  If you have questions,
please feel free to email me and I will do my best.

Rules for the Ansteorran Iron Star:

1) Teams are between 3-5 people.  A maximum of 2 WS allowed per team.
Team sizes do not have to match on the field.

2) The current holders are required to be available to defend the Star
at least once every 6 weeks, unless there are no events available in
that time (ie. December is pretty light in events)

3) Weapon style will be agreed on by the teams, but Heavy Rapier is preferred.

4) When defending, the current holders will be available to fight a
minimum of 3 challengers.  If less show up, that is fine, but if more,
it is up to holders to decide how many they wish to face.  Challenges
will be on first come, first fight basis.

5) The format for the challenges is up to the teams.  If the Holders
wish to fight all the challengers one after another, they are welcome
to do so.  If the challengers want to fight each other and then the
top team takes on the holders, that is fine as well.  It is requested
that all teams be reasonable in this discussion.  To quote Don
Benedict, "Don't be a dumb*ss".  ;)

6) If current holders are unable to be available for challenges within
the 6 week span, the Star is to be sent to an event and all
Challengers can vie for it.  Winner of that day is the new holder.

7) In order to defend, a majority of the original team must fight (2
if the team was 3-4 man, 3 if a 5 man team).  Recruiting of
replacements is allowed, but the new team cannot be larger than the
original team.  (ie.  A 3 man team wins, one person cannot be at the
next defense, they can recruit one replacement only.  If it is a 5 man
team, and 2 do not show, they can recruit to get back to 5 people).  A
team may go on the field with less than the original team, but a
minimum of 3 fighters are required to be a "team".

8) If a team loses enough people and cannot recruit to get back to 3
fighters, then it is treated as if they were unable to defend, the
Star is thrown open and all can vie for possession.  The remaining
members may now recruit others and form a new team.

The initial contesting of the right to hold the Iron Star will be the
Saturday, Sept. 15the at Monshadowe Triumphe.  We will be using the
field after the Armored Tourney, so we should be starting between 1
and 3 in the afternoon.  Have your teams ready and be ready to prove
you are the best in the Kingdom!

In service,
Don Avery Shaw

"You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"---Daniel
Patrick Moynihan

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