[Ansteorra-Announce2] [Announcements] President's Report for the July 2007 Meeting
Patrick Anderson
president at sca.org
Wed Jul 25 06:40:53 PDT 2007
This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA Inc.'s
most recent Board of Directors meeting, held July 14, 2007 in
Bloomington, Minnesota, in the Kingdom of Northshield.
This material may be freely distributed, and those receiving it are
strongly encouraged to share this information with the general
membership. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all or part of this
report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is requested
that the source of the information be identified as "from the
President's Report of the July, 2007 Board meeting" and that, as far as
possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the
official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy
between this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding.
Any inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own.
Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A
subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at
the meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA web
site (http://www.sca.org/).
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on October 20, 2007, in
Phoenix, Arizona, in the Kingdom of Atenveldt. The deadline for
submission of agenda items is October 1, 2007. Please send hardcopies of
any agenda items to Renee Signorotti at the SCA, Inc. corporate office
by that date.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Anderson
President, SCA Inc.
The Board took note of one new branch, the canton of Brokenbridge, Crown
Province Ostgardr, East (Brooklyn, NY). . The Board also noted that
Lough Devnaree, Drachenwald (Dublin, Ireland) changed its name to Dun In
Unfortunately, the Board also took note of two dissolutions, Shire of
Middleford, Ansteorra (Ft. Hood, Texas) and Shire of Londinium ad Rubrum
Flumen, Atenveldt (Lake Havasu City, Arizona).
SCA Chief Financial Officer Position
The SCA, Inc. was looking into a Chief Financial Officer position. It
requires more work by the Board and the Corporate officers so, by
consensus Chairman Simon ordered that no action be taken
SCA Financial Ethics Statement
The SCA, Inc. is also creating a financial ethics statement which also
needs more work, so by consensus Chairman Simon ordered that no action
be taken.
Pennsic 2007 Waiver Variances
Every year, the Board is asked to add a couple of minor language changes
to the Pennsic Waivers, namely including adding language identifying the
event, and adding the site owners to the names of people to whom a
release of liability is granted. Because changes to the standard waivers
can only be made with the Boards approval, this needs to be reviewed by
the Board. The Board approved these changes.
PresidentPatrick Anderson (Gabriel andvaka Kjotvason)
Report filed.
Vice President of Operations (Society Seneschal) George Reed (Aaron
faheud Swiftrunner of the Stone Keep)
Policy interpretations:
Mr. Reed was asked if discussing a gathering for fighting, equestrian,
etc., on an unofficial e group/website invoke responsibilities and
benefits pertaining to SCA events. The Board approved his policy that,
no, discussing it does not make it SCA. If a branch official with the
capacity to do so lends the gathering status by saying it is sponsored
by the branch, *then* it attains the responsibilities and benefits
pertaining to SCA events
Mr. Reed was also asked if the New Minors policy prohibit children
attending classes taught by an adult. The Board approved his policy
that, no; the minors' policy does not address or restrict classes any
more or less than any other activity.
Report Filed.
Vice President of Corporate OperationsRenee Signorotti
Report Filed.
Tournaments Illuminated Dori Andrepont (Doria Tecla)
Report filed.
Compleat Anachronist - - Rae L. Hadley (Towen ferch Grufudd Aur)
Request for Board Action:
The Board remanded to the August 21, 2007 Conference Call a request for
an increase in the Compleat Anachronist budget to upgrade the binding on
the Compleat Anachronist to perfect binding, as was done on the last
Report filed.
Treasurer Alan Andrist (Alanus of Bunghea)
Report filed.
Society Exchequer Mazelle Attiya (Maitresse Alysia Gabrielle de
Report filed.
Investment Committee Abel Sussman (Abel Brem of Regensfolke)
Report filed.
Society Chronicler Susan Carroll-Clark (Nicolaa de Bracton)
Requests for Board Action:
The Board noted that the Tournaments Illuminated Editor and The Compleat
Anachronist Editor do not report to the Chronicler, regardless of how it
appears in some publications.
Report filed.
Laurel Sovereign of Arms Lisa Mohr (Elisabeth de Rossignol)
Report filed.
Marshal Kevin Roderick (Hrothgar Monomakh)
Policy Interpretations:
Mr. Roderick noted that the Society Seneschal's Handbook states a policy
of "Uniform Sanction Procedure" to be followed whenever a sanction is
(as described in Corpora X) is completed. The first step in this
procedure is mediation. Revocation of a fighter or other participant
(marshal, equestrian, etc.) authorization is an administrative sanction,
but due to safety considerations it is not a reasonable or safe course
of action to allow potentially dangerous participation to continue while
mediation is attempted. The Board upheld his interpretation that where
safety of participants is concerned within activities under the
Marshalate, the presiding authority may bypass mediation in the issue of
a sanction, through all other requirements remain.
Report filed.
Minister of Arts and Sciences Tim Jennings (Garraed Galbraith)
Mr. Jennings was present to give his report in person.
Report filed.
Society Chirurgeon Marcia Schlemm (Katrei Grunenberg)
Policy Interpretations:
The Board upheld the Society Chirurgeons policy that chirurgeons
warranted by the SCA are not required to provide their contact
information for publication and dissemination on private websites.
Report filed.
Chief Technology Officer Scott D. Courtney (Iustinos Tekton called
Report filed.
Grand Council James Sena (Brendan ap Llewelyn) -
Report filed.
Legal Committee David R. Knudson (Tamlin Lochmaben)
Report filed.
The Executive Session opened on Friday, July 13, 2007 at 6:12 p.m. CDT.
Note: Director Aaron Lloyd was present for this session via telephone.
A. New Director Selection
Motion by Gabrielle Underwood to appoint Erik Langhans (Modius von
Mergentheim) to Seat E on the Board of Directors, effective at the
conclusion of the October 20, 2007 quarterly meeting and subject to the
standard probationary period. Seconded by Marilee Lloyd. In favor:
Jeff Brown, Heather English, Aaron Lloyd, Marilee Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Hal
Simon, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: None. Motion carried unanimously.
The Executive Session recessed for dinner at 6:19 p.m. CDT.
The Friday session reconvened on Friday, July 13, 2007 at 8:56 p.m. CDT
and recessed at 9:05 p.m. CDT. Note: Director Aaron Lloyd was not
present for this session.
B. Barbara Busillo Appeal Request
By consensus, the Directors declined to hear this appeal and directed
President Anderson to contact Ms. Busillo with this final decision.
C. Liaison for International Affairs Applications
By consensus, Chairman Simon ordered that no action be taken.
D. Society Chronicler Applications
Chairman Simon ordered this item remanded to the August 21, 2007
conference call.
E. Lisa Christy Administrative Sanction
By consensus, Chairman Simon directed this item returned to the Society
Exchequer for completion pursuant to the sanction process.
F. Joel A. Oppenheimer (Joel the Wanderer) Revocation & Denial of Membership
By consensus, Chairman Simon directed the Society Seneschal to continue
his investigation.
G. Jeffery Neimeyer (Philippe) Revocation & Denial of Membership
By consensus, Chairman Simon directed the Society Seneschal to continue
his investigation.
H. Greg Prevost (Janos of Cyddian Downes) Revocation & Denial of Membership
By consensus, Chairman Simon directed the Society Seneschal to continue
his investigation.
I. David Mitchell (Damingo De Vasquez) Revocation & Denial of Membership
By consensus, Chairman Simon directed the Society Seneschal to continue
his investigation.
J. Jason Tate Revocation & Denial of Membership
By consensus, Chairman Simon directed the Society Seneschal to continue
his investigation.
Patrick Anderson
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
president at sca.org
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036
You may also email comments at lists.sca.org
or reply to this message.
This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.
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