[Ansteorra-announce] Steppes Warlord 34 and 9th Baronial Investiture

Chiara Francesca chiara.francesca at gmail.com
Sun Mar 25 11:13:54 PDT 2007


It is time for an event announcement. :)

Please the website for complete details:

Steppes Warlord XXXIV and 9th Baronial Investiture
May 25 - 28, 2007

Where: Canton, Texas
Theme: il Palio - the Offering of the Candle
Mushir Mahdi and Duquesa Valeria, Baron and Baroness of the Steppes and her 
Cantons of Glaslyn and Lindenwood Welcome you to Steppes Warlord and the 
Occasion of our 9th Baronial Investiture. This is an event about Champions, 
here we will name
a Warlord,
a Youth Chivalric Champion
(Ages 16-17),
a Rapier Champion,
a Youth Rapier Champion
(Ages 12-17),
an Archery Champion,
an Ax-Knife-Spear Champion,
an Equestrian Champion,
a Teen Boffer Champion
(Ages 13-15),
a Youth Boffer Champion
(Ages 10-12),
a Children's Boffer Champion
(Ages 6-9),
a Steppes Bard,
and an Embroidery Champion.

To further the theme, we would like to request that banners be produced by 
members of the populace representing their favorite fighters.
Event Stewards
Lord Damon Xanthus
Dominic Barranco  wookiematsu at yahoo.com
Denton, Texas
Canton of Glaslyn

HL Chiara Francesca Arianna d'Onofrio
Franchesca Havas
chiara.francesca at gmail.com
McKinney Texas
Barony of the Steppes

Adults $12.00, Children aged 6-17, $7.00, aged 5 and under free Family cap, 
$38.00, limited to parents and their minor children or wards. Proof of 
membership to be shown at gate to avoid the $3.00 adult non-member 
surcharge. Make check payable to SCA Inc/Barony of the Steppes.

Canton First Monday Trade Days Campground in 290 E Tyler St, Canton, TX 
75103 just off IH 20, approximately 1 hour east of Dallas, Texas. Please 
take Exit #526 off IH 20 then go south on FM 859 (Edgerwood Rd.), 1.2 miles 
to the West Gate entrance.

Site opens noon Friday and closes noon Monday.

Minors must be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian. They may also 
attend with a 21 year or older adult with a signed and notarized Minor Event 
Waiver Form from the parents.This is the Barony of the Steppes' Official web 
page, a publication of the Barony of the Steppes of the Society for Creative 
Anachronism, Inc. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for 
Creative Anachronism, Incorporated, and does not delineate SCA policies.

Chiara Francesca 

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