[Ansteorra-announce] Are you really looking for a fight?

Langhans, Erik elanghans at khou.com
Wed Mar 19 12:04:52 PDT 2008

Unto all those who are not yet a Knight or Don/Doña, you are cordially
invited to join the White Belts and White Scarves, who will be gathering
from all over Ansteorra to watch which of you will be honored as the Best
Overall Chivalric Entrant and Best Overall Rapier Entrant at Squires &
Cadets XV on May 9-11, 2008.


Historically, Squires & Cadets has provided a showcase for non-White Belted,
non-White Scarved individuals to demonstrate not only their fighting skills,
but also their knowledge of courtly graces.  This Squires & Cadets will have
all the traditional elements. Remember this event is not just for Squires
and Cadets, it is for ALL non-White Belted and non-White Scarved


Chivalric and White Scarf Circles to be held in the afternoon. 


Those interested in striving for the top honors should try to compete in the
following competitions:

Double elim list                 run by   Sir Hoegaarden and Don Iago
3-man melee list              run by   Don Ansgar, Sir Asoph, Don Thorland 

Obstacle course                run by   Sir Giotto and Don Avery
A&S competition              run by   Don Pieter and Sir Alexis
Dance competition          run by   Sir Rhodri and Don Christoforo 

Bardic competition          run by   Dona Antonia and Sir Kenneth 


There will be a cache of prizes for the individual winners of each of the
above activities.  The point system for selecting the overall winners from
amongst the chivalric and rapier entrants will be: 5 points to the winners
of each round of the double elimination list. In the 3-man melee, each
member of a winning team will receive 5 points each round. Each entrant also
receives 1-10 points for competing in the bardic, A&S, and dance
competitions, with the obstacle course being worth 1-20 points.


Armor inspection opens at 9 am and the double elimination list starts at 10
am.  The A&S, dance, bardic, and obstacle course competitions will be open
to all, including non-combatants.  A&S will take the form of a judged
display competition; sign-up opens at 9 am, closes at noon. Prepare your
best single entry. Enter ANYTHING; it is the attempt which counts. The
obstacle course will include tests of intelligence, agility, and even

The bardic theme is open. For the dance portion, come prepared to do your
favorite.  Don't know one? Instructors and partners will be on hand to
assist throughout the day; contact your local dance guild if you need help.


The sumptuous incredibly period feast will be crafted by Grillmaster
William, Baron Loch. Okay, so it may not be completely period, but you WILL
want to eat it. (Limited to first 125). ACCEPS available.


Der BoDy Landsknecht  Tavern will open after feast and court, offering beer,
wine, and mead.


For more info visit... http://www.modius.org/Guardian.html





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