[Ansteorra-announce] Northern Regional Practice

Evangelos centurionevan at gmail.com
Sun Jan 30 13:01:14 PST 2011

Greetings all.
         Your Northern General here, Centurion Evangelos. A turn of events
has occurred requiring me to change the date of the Northern Regional
Practice at the end of February.

 Sunday February 27th, at Camp Dakani we will be having a practice for any
last minute authorizations, and armor checks. There will be rapier, archery,
and chivalric practice with emphasis on melee skills.

   Start time is approximately 12pm, going till everyone is done.
          In Service,
          Centurion Evangelos Thrakios
          Squire to Sir Asoph Hearts
          Northern Regional General
"An army of sheep led by a Lion will always defeat an army of Lions led by a
-Arab proverb
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