[Ansteorra-announce] Legacy of Lions Schedule & Information

Suzanne hsetrinity at aol.com
Thu Oct 13 11:53:52 PDT 2011

Greetings, Ansteorra!

Below, please find the schedule for this weekend's premier event in Bjornsborg, THE Grand Tournament, the Legacy of Lions. (subject to Their Stellar Majesties' pleasure, of course.)

8:00Armour inspection  begins
9:00SHARP Opening Court and Procession  
Tournament begins immediately afterconclusion of Procession
12:00Lunch Break /Nobles’ Lunch/ Pelican Circle
Tournament Resumes followingconclusion of Pelican Circle
3:30Champions Court
Tournament Resumes 
Chivalric  Circle immediately following tournament
8:00Evening Court    
* alltimes subject to change at Their Majesties’ leisure   

Because of the many activities that will be happening at this event, it is imperative that we begin the opening court and processional at 9 am SHARP. Please try to be on time  - you don't want to miss the procession!  (Remember: This is a judged tournament, and judges are not impressed with tardiness.)

We are trying to create a special atmosphere for our event, so please be aware that no vehicles will be allowed in the main area while the tournament is being conducted. Also, period pavilions only will be allowed next to the listfield. If you do not have a period pavilion, don't despair! Bjornsborg will have several areas for you to enjoy the shade at list-side, including a hospitality pavilion, where you can peruse a museum celebrating Bjornsborg's rich history. 

Please join us as we celebrate our 35 Anniversary, and the Legacy of Lions!

Your servant, 

Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud
6th Baroness of Bjornsborg

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