[Ansteorra-announce] War of Ages

Ffynnon Gath Seneschal fgseneschal at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 07:52:07 PDT 2013

Greetings Unto the Populace of Ansteorra,

Please help the Shire of Ffynnon Gath in spreading the word on our Site
location change to Nolte Island in Seguin, Texas.

Our website for this event can be found at http://
ffynnon-gath.ansteorra.org/ and there is a Facebook page located at
https://www.facebook.com/events/602617226437753/ that will be updated

Currently, we have Vigils on Friday and Saturday night, Haflas/Tavern on
Friday and Saturday night, Chivalric, Rapier, Archery and Seige Weapons,
Target Archery, Youth Boffer practice, A&S competition and open A&S classes
with a Charter Scroll/Scribes Table.  Merchants welcome.

Our current schedule is as follows with changes at His Majesty's pleasure.

Friday, September 6th

5pm Site opens

Wayland's Vigil

Tavern opens at start of Vigil

Saturday, September 7th

8am - Armor inspection

9am - Chivalric fighting starts

9:30am - Set up for A&S

             Set up for Target Archery

10am - A&S open to Populace

            Target archery starts

12:30 to 1:30pm - Break for Lunch

1:30 to 5pm - Scenarios resume

5pm - Centurian Circle

6:30pm - Feast begins

Court will open at His Majesty's pleasure

Tavern opens after Court and start of Cathal's Vigil

Please contact HL Donnchad, Autocrat at donnchad at hotmail.com or
512-787-0250 or Lady Marie, Seneschal at FGSeneschal at gmail.com or
936-649-2350 with any questions.

We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

In service,

Lady Marie de Meaux

Seneschal for the Shire of Ffynnon Gath

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