[Ansteorra-announce] Pending plan for resumption of SCA activities

Earl Marshal kingdom at marshal.ansteorra.org
Tue May 12 19:23:40 PDT 2020

Greetings unto the populace of Ansteorra,

I’m writing to let the populace know that the kingdom is developing a plan for resumption of SCA activities. I have been consulting with Master Avery Shaw, the Kingdom Seneschal, to make sure the plan is well reasoned and phased in alignment with CDC guidance. 

Of course we don’t want anyone to put themselves at risk if they are uncomfortable with the plan, but we feel it important to serve our membership by slowly resuming activities. When we finalize the criteria , procedures, and have the approval of the Crown, we will make a full announcement.

In service,

Phelim Gervase call Pug | Marshal at Ansteorra.org | Kingdom at Marshal.Ansteorra.org
Earl Marshal - Kingdom of Ansteorra

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