[Ansteorra-announce] New Baron and Baroness of Northkeep
Queen of Ansteorra
queen at crown.ansteorra.org
Tue Apr 27 21:06:01 PDT 2021
Greetings Ansteorra,
Jason and I would like to thank Their Excelliciencies Beorhtlic Folcwineson
and Elisaveta of Itsafiord for their time and service to the Barony of
Northkeep and Ansteorra. They will be stepping down as Baron and Baroness
of Northkeep at their Castellan event on June 26, 2021.
We are happy to announce that the next Baron and Baroness of Northkeep will
be Lord Perrin de Beaujeu and Honorable Lady Jehanne de Montauban. Their
Investiture will be at the same Castellan event as the step down of the
current Baron and Baroness of Northkeep. We look forward to working with
them to continue the growth and prosperity of Northkeep and Ansteorra.
In Service,
Jason and Margherita
King and Queen Ansteorra
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