Ansteorran Archery

Mark Harris mark_harris at
Mon Mar 13 17:07:24 PST 1995

        Reply to:   RE>>Ansteorran Archery

This question on whether the thistle missles are legal or not is exactly
why I wanted to find a current copy of the rules. I really want to know if
they are legal before I go out and buy a $100 worth of tips. And the 
wording of these rules is exactly what the gentle in the East Kingdom was
wanting to see.

Is this handbook really the kingdom law? If so, is what was sent out the
most recent version of the laws. I would expect this handbook, due to
publishing constraints and such to be somewhat behind some sort of
master copy. Perhaps Ansteorra is just ahead of SCA Inc. From conversations
on the Rialto and with Bertrum, the SCA does not have an up to date copy of
the SCA bylaws on computer and may not have one on paper either.

Stefan li Rous
Barony of Bryn Gwlad

mordraut writes:

>I have a copy of the handbook somewhere, and it does not mention THISTLE
>MISSILES anywhere.  The Thistle Missiles come from the West, and are
>available in lots of 50 or more from the following:

I am going to ask a real stupid and touch subject here, are we using
weapons (ie: these thistle missles) that have not been approved by the
Ansteorran Earl Marshall and Archery Marshall and signed into Kingdom law? 
Uh, could cost us some insurance problem if the things are not recognized
by corporate documentation or Kingdom documentation. Sounds like just a
simple matter of getting the specs to Sir Barn and getting the things
recognized in the handbook (which is part of Kingdom Law). Even if we
just wanted to write up a set of temporary "study" rules to cover ourselves,
and print them in the Blackstar (after running them by Barn) until we
have something everyone is happy with. Or do the existing combat archery
rules give a broad enough description of the arrow heads to cover the
specific "thistle missle"?

(in Kingdom Seneschal mode)

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