Heidi J Torres
hjt at
Sun Oct 20 01:31:59 PDT 1996
On Fri, 18 Oct 1996, Ray Katz wrote:
> Lyonel wrote:
> > >I would enjoy helping start a principality *if* I still have fun
> > >and not have to deal with the political BS of doing it.
> Lyonel, I am glad to see you still swinging on this.
> The above is why the Crown gave us Coronets and seneschals. Like I
> said before, such a move will only have credibility if we can go
> before the kingdom with a straight face and say, "Bryn Gwlad wants to
> do this." Get me the consensus, and Aethelyan and I will be pleased
> to take it to the other Coronets and shire seneschals. (We'd love to,
> in fact. We both think that doing a principality would be a great
> lot of fun.)
> It may help the proposal if a name, if not suggested heraldry, could
> be floated. I've heard "Steorrahoerte" or some such bandied about.
> (I don't know.....) What would that make us, Steorrahortons or
> Steorrahortlings?
> Jeremy
And Mari replies....
Since people are throwing names around, I'd like to bring forward my
favorite at this time: Tierra Leon. This is based on a suggestion by Sir
Pendaran (back when the three principality idea was being masticated) who
proposed the name Terre d'Lyon for the Bjorn-Gwlad area. While my
preference for the Spanish name is dictated both by the poetic sound and
rhythm as well as for the heavy Hispanic influence in south and central
Texas, I also like Pendaran's suggestion, as well as the Latin version:
Terra Leonis. If you haven't guessed by now, all these translate to Land
of the Lion.
While the Black Star is the most recognized symbol of our kingdom, the
lion is also a powerful emblem of Ansteorra. In many people's minds it
stands for what is best in the SCA: the pagentry, chivalry, persona and
"magic" that makes us more than a sport or a funny "dress up" club. As
that would be our goal in the possible formation of a principality -- the
pagentry, the honor, the magic and the fun, rather than bureaucracy and
politics -- it might be a good idea to keep that symbol to the forefront.
And speaking of names, such a thing is a deeply important matter, not to
be entered into without great thought. As Baron Raimond (Moonbear) often
warns me: "To give a thing a Name makes it real." Suggestions and
discussions about names on this mailing list are just that: suggestions
and discussions. Just to keep things in perspective.....
Buenas Noches a todos,
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