What!? Summer Reruns Already??
stddly at SHSU.edu
stddly at SHSU.edu
Tue Oct 22 21:17:27 PDT 1996
From: MX%"ansteorra at eden.com" 22-OCT-1996 17:38:26.74
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Subj: What!? Summer Reruns Already??
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Dia duit!
dennis grace (or perhaps his s.o., the .sig was a bit confusing)
wrote in a message to All:
dg> Talk about bad taste. A few folk bandying about a name like "Hell"
dg> for a part of the country drenched in heat three-quarters of the
dg> year is an apt thread of humor, SCA or mundane, and certainly not
dg> insulting to anyone's person, either specifically or in general.
dg> If you style yourself a herald, a bandier-about of words, you set
dg> yourself up as an authority on words and word-usage, and, in the
dg> best SCA tradition (as it should be everywhere), rights of
dg> authority necessitate and demand responsibility. Do you have any
dg> idea how insulting the last part of your post sounds? Maybe you
dg> meant no insult, maybe the heraldic jargon grew a life of its own,
dg> but I would suggest a bit more thought before throwing words
dg> through the ether that have great potential for harm.
Didn't we just have a thread about taking offense for others?
I can assure you Daniel meant no offense to anyone, but was, in fact, poking
fun at himself, since he is (as one turn of phrase would have it) "as queer as
a three dollar bill."
I almost fell out of my chair, laughing at *him* making *that* joke.
Baron Aodhan Ite an Fhithich, ML
Dobharchu Herald
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