Son of Ansteopality

dennis grace amazing at
Wed Oct 23 13:52:49 PDT 1996

Greetings to All and Sundry,

Lyonel here.  Some time today, Leonardo Acquistapace wrote:
>Well, I personally like the Lion-based names. How would you translate
>Heart of the Lion into Spanish or Latin? Or maybe Spirit of the Lion,
>if we want to get past Land of the Lion. After all, isn't the Lion
>theme to capture the spirit of what we all like about Lions?

Hmmm.  This is one of those areas where literal translations can really
screw things up.  In Spanish, I believe either *sentiment* would be best
translated Corazon del Leon; although, _espiritu_ (spirit--usually akin to
ghost), _alma_ (soul), and _anima_ (soul, usually in a religious context, I
think) [perhaps someone could tell me how to reproduce the accent marks via
Eudora???] might also serve.  In Latin, Lion's Heart is Cor Leonis, but
_cor_ does the same multitask duty in Latin as _corazon_ in Spanish. You
could still, I suppose, specify Animus Leonis (Lion's Courage), Anima Leonis
(Lion's Soul), or Spiritus Leonis (Lion's Spirit, but also usually
associated with ghosts).  

So, out of all that mess, probably the only names you'd really want to
consider would be Corazon del Leon, Cor Leonis, and Animus Leonis.

I'm not sure any of these names would pass heraldic muster--can anyone think
of a medieval analogue?  I'm afraid we'd probably have to add a "Land"
notation to the name, turning Leonardo's choices to Tierra del Corazon del
Leon or Terra Cordis Leonis or Terra Animi Leonis (please, somebody correct
me if I'm stumbling over these compound genetives).

Maybe we could go with a weak cant on an old phrase and call ourselves the
_Parte del Leon_ (Lion's Share).  Anybody want to check the phrase for date
of origin and/or to see if _parte_ has ever been used to refer to a portion
of land?

Well, I think that's about all the damage I can do to this request.  Until
next time, I remain

Yours in Fractured Onomastic Service 

Sir Lyonel Oliver Grace

Dennis G. Grace
Postmodern Medievalist
Division of Rhetoric and Composition
Department of English
University of Texas at Austin
amazing at

Baro, metetz en guatge                    |  Lords, pawn your castles,
Chastels e vilas e ciutatz                |  your towns and cities.
Enanz qu'usquecs no'us guerreiatz         |  Before you're beat to the draw,
                                                    draw your swords.

                   -- Bertran de Born (a really fun Viscount)

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