Stefan's Files for November
Mark Harris
mark_harris at
Thu Oct 24 11:09:26 PDT 1996
A Blending of the Past and Present
Here is the list of my featured SCA Rialto files for this month. I have
files for all interests. If none of the files below interest you, ask for
a copy of my complete file list. If you would like a copy of any of these
files, just let me know. I can print them on paper for you, copy them
to a computer disk or send them by email.
Those of you who have World-Wide-Web (WWW) access can get these files at:, although it may be a week
or two before the newest files are online.
Stefan li Rous (512)892-0036 markh at
Here are the new files that have been added this past month:
banners-msg Flags and banners. Period and SCA construction.
Berserkergang-art Article on Norse Viking Berserkers.
chocolate-msg History and description of early chocolate.
cl-academic-msg Medieval academic clothing.
emb-frames-msg Period and SCA embroidery frames.
hunt-spears-msg Medieval hunting spears.
mottoes-msg Latin mottoes for SCA use.
Netherlands-msg Medieval Netherlands and Belgium.
N-drink-ves-msg Norse drinking vessels.
privvies-msg Managing privvies at SCA events.
Many of the Arts & Sciences of the Middle Ages are practiced in the
SCA. For those who may be interested in trying something new, here
are some of the files in my CRAFTS section:
blacksmithing-msg Blacksmithing, forges, tools.
bladesmithing-msg Steel sources, making knives and swords.
block-printing-msg Block printing for cloth.
casting-msg Casting metals.
coopering-msg Making and maintaining barrels and kegs.
enameling-msg Enameling techniques.
fabric-paint-msg Fabric painting in the SCA and period.
glasswork-msg Stained glass, glass etching. glassblowing.
glues-msg Medieval glues.
horn-msg Working with horn. drinking horns.
ivory-msg Ivory carving. ivory substitutes.
lapidary-msg Period and SCA gemstone cutting.
lucet-cord-msg Making lucet cord for trim, lacing.
papermaking-msg Producing pulp, making handmade paper.
tools-msg Period and modern tools.
woodworking-msg Woodworking tools and techniques. wood finishes.
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