ANST - New noncombat topic
Dennis Grace
amazing at
Sun Sep 7 19:20:38 PDT 1997
Hi all. Aquilanne here.
Amra wrote:
>However, I was extremely disappointed -- yes, even hurt -- that at least
>some of the judges appeared to *never* look at my display at all, except
>perhaps from a distance of 20 feet or more.
and Marthe wrote:
>Fellow Ansteorrans,
>I have just read Amr's statement. I had a similar experience at Steppes
>Artisan 2 years ago. I have been entering my porcelain art in A&S for 12
>years. In all that time, I have received no acknowlegment that I even
>existed. I have steadily increased the volume of my documentation. I
>have even documented realistic art (as opposed to 2 dimensional as seen in
>illuminations and on tiles), the type of paint I use, etc. As far as I
>know, no one has even looked at it. Its not period. Go figure.
I wasn't at either event referred to, so I obviously can't make an informed
judgement concerning either Amra's or Marthe's experiences. However, having
just been to Stargate's Baronial Championship and perused the A&S display
and added comments to those of others on some of the displays, I thought
I'd just share a couple things. I don't comment on every A&S entry. I
can't comment on some things (as a recovering alcoholic, it'd be on the
stupid side to attempt to judge brewing, for example). I don't comment in
areas where I have no real background to speak of, say, weaving. I don't
think it fair to just see something pretty (like the pretty woven shawl I
saw at Stargate Baronial) and just say, "I like this, it's pretty and feels
soft and squishy!" Yes, I know kudos and praise are important, but I feel
that in more formal settings, like most any A&S display, that constructive
comments and praise from someone who knows what they're talking about are
more valuable and appropriate.
On the other hand, if I noticed that *no one else* had left any comments
for an entry, I might try to add whatever tertiary comment I might be able
to offer on such things as composition, color quality, etc. that might be
appropriate to the piece.
I have to say, though, that I see Amra's and Marthe's experiences as
terribly discouraging. Tell you what--if I'm ever at an event where
porcelain or stained glass or leatherworking is on display with both
documentation and comment sheets on hand, I guarantee I'll look and leave
some comments for the entrants. Sometimes these events can get hectic, but
we gotta work to recognize and encourage folk's efforts.
Amra, I applaud your response to your experience: to not forget what it's
like to feel overlooked and therefore work to help insure that others don't
have a similar experience. Siobhan asked for examples of chivalry in
A&S--this is an excellent example of chivalry on the A&S playing field;
thank you, Amra.
Dory Grace--The Inkwell
denouncer of Tytvylus & warrior crone
amazing at
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