ANST - New noncombat topic
tym3425 at
Mon Sep 8 09:31:34 PDT 1997
On Sun, 7 Sep 1997, Martha Lee Nichols wrote:
> Fellow Ansteorrans,
> I have just read Amr's statement. I had a similar experience at Steppes
> Artisan 2 years ago. I have been entering my porcelain art in A&S for 12
> years. In all that time, I have received no acknowlegment that I even
> existed. I have steadily increased the volume of my documentation. I
> have even documented realistic art (as opposed to 2 dimensional as seen in
> illuminations and on tiles), the type of paint I use, etc. As far as I
> know, no one has even looked at it. Its not period. Go figure.
> Marthe de Blenkinsop
I find it strange that it's not considered period... the Germans have been
making Porcelain for at least 500 years... In Dresdin I think.. I'll have
to double check. I learned this in my German language class.. It may be
late in period, but it was in period.
I'll get the name of the film we watched about it for you if you want..
just e-mail me..
Trishka Makowski
Incipient College of Three Bridges
tym3425 at
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