ANST - Variety is the spice of life!

Kelsie Buntin kelsij at
Wed Jun 10 09:07:19 PDT 1998

Well I am going to jump on this boat also.  If we aren't free to talk about
whatever we want ( within the confines of legality ) then who will decide
what is suitable, or how long a certain strain of messages can go around. 
Sure I may think that there is absolutely no more uses left for a dead
horse, but that is just my hope-I mean opionion : )   It may take  a little
more time to sift through all your messages, but on this list you are
getting Ansteorra, the parts that interest you and the parts that don't.  I
personally would rather sift my way through than not be here at all.
Ly Elspeth Lancaster
Stronghold of Falconridge
kelsij at

Robert Brown wrote
> Each person see's Ansteorra their way.  We are the dead horse and
> the loom.  Each has it's place on a different list, each has it's place on
this list.
> <snip>
>This list is Ansteorra.  We on this list run the gambit of
> the kingdom.  From the aspiring Laurel to the person looking for the next
> to the person that just wants to keep in touch and be a chum to his
family, our
> family, our kingdom; we are here.  Yes this means I have to spend about
twice as
> long reading my e-mail.  However, if I wasn't in love with this noble
society we
> have created, with all our eccentricities, I wouldn't have stayed a player
> long.
>                                         Sincerely
>                                         Gorm
I totally agree with you on this matter.  Even comments about e-mail 
and internet usage are appropriate to this list.  Afterall, this list 
does exist on the internet e-mail virtual world and our members need 
to know how to better use this modern convenience.  Any comments, 
except those that could be libelous (as I've posted before) are 
appropriate.  I, like Gorm, use my delete button on those items or 
persons I would rather not read.  I even e-mail him with comments.   
I might adopt you as my son in the SCA afterall.  There's a story 
there, if you're interested, as he is my real mundane son.

Helen Brown
HL Hellen Bales MacQueene
Stronghold of FalconRidge, Kingdom of Ansteorra
browns at
Altus, Oklahoma

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