ANST - White Scarves as Peers?

SCOTT A WAGGONER maynedelacroix at
Sat Jun 13 08:11:25 PDT 1998

On Fri, 12 Jun 1998 20:34:40 +0000 jhartel <jhartel at> writes:
>Greetings folks!
>My lord, Eldred, has been reading over my shoulder and keeps asking 
>"Well why can't a White Scarf be made a Laurel in Fence/Rapier
>Combat...or however one would word it.  This would eleviate the 
>of creating a NEW peerage *or* mass raising of ALL White Scarves to 
>new peerage level.  This would also allow the Crown to select those 
>felt were worthy of becoming a peer."
>Anyone have any feedback or ideas on this?

That sounds like a good idea, though I dont really see combat prowess as
a creative art, though if they doo great research into rapier combat and
teach people from that, then maybe. 
If the Don had turned out lots of good rapier students, maybe it would
better fit to award them a pelican for service to the rapier community. 
Anyone else have a take on that?

Scott Waggoner
Mayne de la Croix --- The original MiB
Gate's Edge Canton, Barony of  Stargate,  Ansteorra

Scott Waggoner
Mayne de la Croix --- The original MiB
Gate's Edge Canton, Barony of  Stargate,  Ansteorra

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