ANST - Restrictions on Reigns

Ronnie ronna at
Fri Jun 25 08:43:29 PDT 1999

>some Kingdom's have had regular problems with re-accuring Crowns, but
>fortunately in Ansteorra it has not been such a regular case.  I would
>suggest that instead of the BOD making a blanket policy that would affect
>all Kingdom's, that those Kingdom's that are having specific problems add
>changes to their Kingdom Law.

Ohh, dear!  What to do, when the "specific problems" don't let anyone in who
might impose a Kingdom Law or other kind of term limit?  Or, maybe worse,
what to do, when the Kingdom Law (and thereby the entire Populace) is
see-sawed back and forth over such a political football?  

These are some of the kinds of problems that gave the BoD impetus to
consider this measure.  Bless all we here hold in comfort that Ansteorra's
not been exposed to this plague.  Hope we might recognize the symptoms,
should it begin here.  And pray we can continue to hold integrity high
enough that we can somehow effect an immediate cure should the symptoms
begin to show.  

Right now, the BoD seems to be looking for reasonable alternatives that will
cut down on some of the ills created by people who can't be satisfied with
the ducal recognition.  The one proposed has the side-effect of giving
others in the Populace a chance to dream of wearing crowns.  At least from
what I've seen on this one, they seem to be looking for a way to accomplish
fairness for everyone.  

If *we* can come up with honorable alternatives that are acceptable to our
beautiful Black Star Kingdom, and the BoD sees our ideas have merit, perhaps
they won't enact something we can't swallow.  And maybe, maybe, we'll be
avoiding a problem that could quickly erase our quietude.  

I don't have any great ideas at the present, but I think it's at least worth

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