[Ansteorra] SCA slang

Synrik synrik at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 12 12:51:22 PDT 2002

Over all, people should just have fun and relax.

The SCA is an all volunteer organization that relies on our own interaction and
commitment to keep the whole thing alive.  So no matter your level of 'Game
Play' or commitment, you should be able to find a place that makes you feel at

But of course, we are also dealing with people . . . . . . and they can be real
nasty buggers at times.  And frankly, I can deal with rain . . . . I can deal
with not having put up my tent during the day in the last 4 years . . . . . . I
can even deal with many other things that I have come to near expect with nature
and events in general . . . . . . But having my someone sneer or jump-up in my
face about anything could torch me off just a little.

And that is my case.  We can help others, we can try to do our part to give a
good example.  But to be fanatical about anything to the point of being overly
confrontational, just sets me (and others) on edge.

As an example, I saw a person who was confronted about their apparent garb of
the day.  After being dressed down one side and the other, he began to slowly
take off his cloths with some obvious pain.  The 'period police' asked him what
in the world was he doing?  His response was, "Nothing it seems will make you
happy . . . . But I know darn well skin IS period."  They went away in a huff.

But that in it's own way is a extreme reaction to an un-called for verbal

But there is many little things that we can do to make it more period and
presentable for others . . . . . and it is the little things that really do help
us one and all.

But it also goes out the window if your running bardic by the light of the
street lamps.

<long, tired sigh>

So be nice to one another.  Get to know where others stand in the game before
handing out tips.  And have fun.

That's all I really hope for.

Theron Bretz wrote:

> > And as for the 'Terminology', someone is always going to be offended.  It
> is the
> > way of the world.
> True.  But there is terminology and then there is derogation.  There are any
> number of colorful terms we avoid using because we are, in theory, a polite
> society.  If I started calling the party crowd, "The Village Idiots" (for
> instance), I'd be called down for it in a heartbeat for being mean and
> intolerant.  Call me an Authenticity Nazi and it's just "terminology".
> Other than that quibble, I largely agree with your post.  All I'm asking for
> is a little effort, not perfection.
> Luciano
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