[Ansteorra] Which brings us to...

Charlene Charette charlene at flash.net
Wed May 8 21:18:28 PDT 2002

"J.G. Bretz" wrote:

> If I go to an event that is not my local event...I assume that the teardown
> is taken care of.  I feel I am a guest.  I find that we need to only ask.  I
> think most people assume things are arranged previous.  If not...one needs
> only ask.  I would never presume to tear down someone's setup as a matter of
> course.

No argument there.  Some people prefer to work and will work at any
event they attend.  But one of the nice things about traveling, besides
seeing different people, is not be obligated to do all the work.
However, in some groups it's difficult to get the locals to work a local


You can fool too many people too much of the time.  -- James Thurber

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