[Ansteorra] Fighting Crown "not to win"

Rob rose onetruewolf at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 21 18:54:42 PST 2003

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

I started following this thread......as i do so few threads
anymore.....because i thought it was about something i abhor.  The fighters
who enter crown list not to win.....but to do well.  I am not talking about
our dukes, counts, or knights.  I am talking about those of us out here who
are squires, or non belts.  Some see crown as an oportunity to show the
knights what they have.  Although i can understand wanting to showcase thier
talents.....i think that if one is to fight in crown then he/she should be a
viable candidate and be able to uphold the office they are fighting for.  I
feel the same way about king's/queen's champion.  Personnally I am not in a
position to uphold the duties of crown, or of King's champion.....so while I
do attend those tournaments and support my brothers and sisters in their bid
for those honors, I cannot in good conscience fight in those tournaments.

On the other hand....the subject of this thread being what it is.....A duke
once said that it is the duty of our former crowns to ensure that the crown
will be worn by a suitable replacement.  I happen to agree with this
wholeheartedly.  I think that beyond that, it should also be the duty of our
knights to be sure that the person they speak for (squires and nonbelts) are
in a position to fully execute the duties of the crown, and that the heart of
that fighter is such that he/she is fighting that day to win, and not to show
well.  I feel that when a former crown of Ansteorra is out there fighting not
to win, but to ensure a worthy successor, then he is acting as his station
would have him act.  He has already worn the heaviest hat in the kingdom and
knows what kind of perosn it will take to uphold the standards of Ansteorra.
But when a fighter steps onto to the field for no reason other than.....to
look good for the knights, he cheapens the greatest tournament we hold.

These are merely the opinions of one man and do not reflect the opinions of
this station or any of her affiliates.  We reserve no liability for the
opinions reflected within.

Ian Maclead
>From: Synrik
>Reply-To: ansteorra at ansteorra.org
>To: ansteorra at ansteorra.org
>Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Fighting Crown "not to win"
>Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 18:44:04 -0600
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>OK, to clear a few things up in my post:
> * I was only passing along several observations that I had heard myself
> over time.
> * Never was I questioning anyone's Honor or Abilities
> * My caffine-driven spell-checker missed the 'Sable Thrown' (though I
> liked the one about the furry fighters)
>But from what I gather from the other posts, there is many things on and off
>the field going on that determines weather someone wins the crown or not.
>Not that this is a bad thing. But just as being a knight, you must first and
>foremost really want the job and swing the hottest stick in the land.
>But over all, I am very curious as for what goes on in the life of a SCA
>King/Queen. I've heard many things (second and third hand) from 'It is the
>greatest time I've had in my life' to 'O god, why did I ever swing a stick'.
>I quite understand that it is a bit of work and a whole lot of traveling.
>But other than that, what is it to be King?
>Or for that matter, I've seen many a discussion on 'What it is to be a Peer',
>but nothing as for what it means to be a squire/protégé/apprentice.
>One analogy that was given to me was, 'We take a knight, a Peer of the realm,
>and crown him King. And over the period of six months, he gets a crash
>course of all the politics and hard-work that the Pelicans and Laurels give
>to this kingdom daily. Some thrive on this machine we call the dream; others
>feel the weight of their crown. But one thing is for certain for the rest of
>their life --- you were a King.'
>And please do forgive me for those little slips of the keyboard --- I am
>rather brain-dead most of the time.
>------------- Gustav the Questioning
>Ansteorra mailing list
>Ansteorra at ansteorra.org

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