[Ansteorra] Bryn Gwlad at SCA Wiki-Cunnan

Kingdom Webminister vscribe at ansteorra.org
Thu Sep 13 21:41:22 PDT 2007

Konichiwa desu Kamaitachi!

I think the reason you see a lack of information about our fair Kingdom on
such wiki's is because there is a sour taste as researchers for such items.
They purport to be a type of research vehicle when they have no real checks
and balances in place to verify information that has been added and edited.
Ex: Colleges refuse to accept references from Wiki's.

While yes, a link to our respective websites would be a great thing to have
on this one specifically I think the jury is still out on who or what will
do the verifications.

As the Kingdom Virtual scribe I did put the question to my SCA corporate
counterparts and as of this day have yet to get an answer. While some will
say this is a normal happenstance I feel that it is actually a statement in
itself. This is uncharted territory. Ansteorra is normally the test bed for
such things. But this one thing we have left alone.

Your Barony is a fine and wonderful place. I go there as often as I am able
to as that is where I am from, it was my home for more than half my life. I
would trust whatever words your Baron would deliver in this matter for your
group's information.

HL Chiara Francesca
Kingdom Webminister, Ansteorra

-----Original Message-----
From: ansteorra-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:ansteorra-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Andrew Benton
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 8:40 PM
To: List Bryn Gwlad; List Ansteorra
Subject: [Ansteorra] Bryn Gwlad at SCA Wiki-Cunnan

While preparing to add an entry for the "SCA Asian Persona Survey", I
happened to discover that the SCA Wiki - Cunnan page for Ansteorra has  no
linked page for the Barony of Bryn Gwlad. Indeed, most of the  domains of
Ansteorra lack an entry. 
  Though my utterances are light-hearted and oft as not satirical, I  place
great importance on propriety and ceremony at the appropriate  times. My
first impulse as a rash but loyal subject of the Barony was  to correct this
using the intro page of the Bryn Gwlad website as a  source for body text.
On the other hand, I believe it would be  presumptuous of me to do so prior
to obtaining the blessings of His  Excellency Baron Thomas of Tenby and/or
his appointed officers  first.  
  To whit, though we have an appointed virtual scribe, I would be honored
to perform this minor task for the Barony; having stumbled upon such a
lack, it is against my nature to leave it uncorrected.
  Kamaitachi no Kansuke, aka Spearweasel

If you were a poor Indian with no weapons, and a bunch of conquistadors came
up to you and asked where the gold was, I don't think it would be a good
idea to say, "I swallowed it. So sue me."

-Jack Handey
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