[Ansteorra] Events in the Last Five years

Cisco Cividanes engtrktwo at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 19:52:53 PST 2008

Having never been to a 'high persona" event that I can recall, I really am
ambivalent as to weather I am happy or not happy with the current situation.

I do remember long conversations with some of the more character centers
players in the north, and those were truly magical moments. Though i admit
that the true magic for me was hearing stories about the kingdom in its
early days. History will always be something I treasure, and to hear of our
own from the people who were there... those are moments I treasure a great
deal of the time.

I have to generally agree with JP on the majority of his post. I have never
felt a pressure to do Persona, at least not from higher ranking people. But
as a performer, I can categorically say that I am a poor actor when it comes
to persona. Their are a lot of thinks I DO need to improve about my game,
and my "persona" is one of them. But I doubt I will ever seek out to "play
persona" in the way Willow is speaking about.

Lord Ivo Blackhawk.

On Jan 20, 2008 9:37 PM, Jean Paul de Sens <jeanpauldesens at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think I'm going to say what some others are thinking, but might be
> uncomfortable saying.  I think it's almost a dirty secret for someone to
> not
> think persona play is wonderful.
> I don't particularly care for high persona events.  I do not role-play
> well,
> and it's not something I particularly enjoy doing.  Event's that have
> large
> amounts of persona play make me feel uncomfortable and weird.  JP is
> really
> the same person as Carl Chipman, although they dress totally different.
>  The
> few times I have played D&D or other role-playing games, I am usually
> unable
> to play someone who's not similar or exactly the same as myself.  When
> someone forces persona play on me, I am usually extremely discomforted.  I
> usually enjoy *watching* great persona play, and consider some of my
> favorite people those who do a great job of persona play, but I don't care
> to participate.  For me it's a spectator sport.
> Now, I try to be as good as a person as I can, but I do that at both event
> and mundane life.   I love seeing good clothing, eating great food,
> simulating un-armoured and armoured combat to the best of our safety, and
> generally being in the company of people who still think that your word
> means something, and that honor has a place in the world.  For what I
> love,
> the role playing just gets in the way, for it obscures the truth of
> people.
> So the thing you lament going away, I have mixed feelings about.
> I think that there are others that feel this way, or similarly.
> JP
> On Jan 20, 2008 8:36 PM, willowdewisp at juno.com <willowdewisp at juno.com>
> wrote:
> > I haven't been able to go to many events in the North, South, Coastal or
> > West. I was told there were some wonderful magic moment in Bjornsberg
> and I
> > did have a magic moment at Last years  Candlemas. I was told there was
> lots
> > of persona play over that Italian person in the West. Has anyone had a
> > persona moment in the last five years? I have had one with the gracious
> > interaction I received both in Eldern Hills and Bonwick.. I had a
> wonderful
> > time interacting with Sir Ian and his Lady at Lammas Day in Elfsea. I
> will
> > apologize to Elfsea. Lammas Day was fun.
> > willow
> >
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