[Ansteorra] Kingdom Insignia Needed!

Insignia Deputy via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Apr 5 09:58:30 PDT 2016

Greetings Ansteorra!

Did you know that Coronation is a fantastic time to turn in any insignia
you’ve been working on for the kingdom? In fact, any event is fantastic! If
you have insignia to turn in, you can reach out to the Sable Scroll - the
first, and best choice to hand over insignia, or you may also deliver
created insignia to the Crown, a member of their entourage, or to the
Insignia Deputy.

We have a great need for insignia right now. We keep current counts at
http://scribe.ansteorra.org/, and you can see our needs below:

*2 - AOA (filet)

*18 - SABLE THISTLE (medallion)

*18 - SABLE COMET (medallion)

*19 - SABLE CRANE (medallion)

24 - COMPASS ROSE (medallion)

24 - SABLE TALON (medallion)

*13 - STAR OF MERIT (garter)

48 - IRIS OF MERIT (garter)

37 - CENTURION (garter)

24 - ARC D OR (garter)

*3 - GOLDEN LANCE (garter)

17 - COURT BARONY (coronet)

*0 - AQUILA AUREA (medallion)

*3 - LILIUM AUREUM (medallion)

15 - LYRA AUREA (medallion)

We will accept *any* Insignia that you have created, but our current stock
of: Golden Bridle, King’s Archer, Queen’s Rapier, Rising Star, Sable
Falcon, Sable Flur, and Sable Sparrow are doing well at this time. The
asterisk above notes those insignia with the greatest need.

If you have any questions regarding insignia, please feel free to ask!

In Service,
Lady Elena Wyth
Kingdom Insignia Deputy

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