[Ansteorra] King's College - Thank you

Kayleigh Metz via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Sun Jun 12 06:58:22 PDT 2016

Greetings Ansteorra!

I hope everyone had a wonderful time at King's College yesterday.

There are so many to thank for helping make yesterday a success

Your Stellar Majesties Gabriel and Sonja- thank you for allowing me to
autocrat the event. I hope you both enjoyed your day.

My co-autocrats - HE Caterina and Lady Arianna - they helped from day one
and made the process fun!

Mistress Bea - for taking on the scheduling of all the classes. We had 60
teachers and 89 classes.

Lady Aurelia and H.L. Zaahira for the delicious sideboard and making sure
there was enough to around.

Lady Julia - for making the signs that led everyone around site.

Kara - for leading the tear down that helped get us from end of court to
off site in less than an hour

Lady Jana - being the liaison with church and helping with planning as well

Lady Abigail - for planning and running the Minister of Children activities
and all the wonderful people who volunteered their time with MoC - Jer,
Kathy, Jennifer, and anyone else I might have missed

For anyone I have missed, please forgive me. There were so many people that
helped with set up, gate, tear down, and just in general throughout the

And, thank you to everyone who attended. It was wonderful to see so many
people learning and enjoying themselves through the day.

Lady Villana

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