[Ansteorra-archery] RR Away Scores

Joseph Rossiter shaknier at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 9 17:46:49 PST 2004

Hey Yall
    For anyone that wishes to shoot a royal round we
hold a archery practice every saturday at 2 pm at
Comanche trail park here in cross rode keep, Big
Spring. I know that for most of yall it is some bit of
a drive but we also have a heavy and light fighter
practice the next day. look at the a free two day
event. ha ha. Would like to see many people show up
for this but please plan in advance. We have not been
able to shoot for a score yet due to weather and other
shire activities. If anyone wishes to come out for a
shoot and needs directions please contact me at
SHAKNIER at yahoo.com

                            ARCHERS FOR EVER
                            Stephan Der Shwarzwald

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