[Ansteorra-archery] what he said

Karen Calhoun hlykatya at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 19 09:54:52 PST 2008

As a not-so-proficient archer....
I like to shoot at the 5-color targets.  I can judge how I'm progressing, check my grouping, and get the feel of the how my bolts are flying.  I feel that practicing with the FITA targets helps to do better on the 3-D, moving, and fun shoots because I know how and where to aim my bolt so that it will go where it needs to.
I also like IKAC.  It helps me to keep my stamina up.  Granted as a crossbowman (woman), I just have to keep my arms and legs from wearing out whereas an archer has many more concerns (shoulders, elbows, etc.).  I enjoy competing against myself; constantly striving for a higher, better score.
The other reason I like IKAC over RR is the timed rounds.  Is this not great practice for WAR?  You don't get all day to shoot that fighter running at you.  You have to nock that arrow/bolt and let fly before he gets to you first.  Wouldn't timed practice be to our benefit?
I don't get to travel much, but enjoy the fun shoots as much as the next guy.  However, I feel that the fun shoots are not the best way to compare your progress to other archers.  Competitions have stress that regular practices don't.  I know that I don't shoot as well in competition as I do in practice.  I'm sure that it's the same for others.  We should be comparing our skills in all arenas:  IKAC, RR, and the fun stuff.
Until next we stand together on the line,
I remain,
HLy Katya
of the Dark side
Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with star power.

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