[Ansteorra-archery] Archery as a Peer area under A&S.

James Crouchet james at crouchet.com
Mon Aug 12 14:01:00 PDT 2013

Commenting on the snip below, this is in line with what I was saying.
Laurels are not given for archery; they are given for artistry,
craftsmanship and research.  If that includes equipment and historical info
for archery, fighting, or equestrian, that's fine.  However, they have no
interest in your ability to shoot, fight, or ride.

Ansteorra gives Laurels for the same thing they have always given laurels


On Aug 12, 2013 2:48 PM, "Doug Copley" <doug.copley at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have spent many hours studying this and talking with peers about it.
One of the biggest things that I run in to again and again is that they say
yes you can become a peer in archery - make stuff, document, enter, win,
teach others how to make stuff - the problem is that everything that they
talk about is something that can be done without ever picking up a bow or
even going to the range. So there is a big education process to go through
before we will get there in Ansteorra.
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